Monday, August 1, 2011

Girls, The Latest Is This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The latest, that is, on the continuing saga of child killer Levi Aron. After the departure of Glenn Marrone, and the advent of Jennifer McConnell, he is to be formally charged this Thursday, in court. Apparently, the question of whether an insanity defense will be used is going to be raised, and, understandably, a request for a change of venue, as the media saturated event will deprive jurors here of any objectivity.

Honey, where on earth can they try this????? This case has received international coverage, and while New Yorkers are sure to know more than most, people everywhere else are not exactly ignorant of the more gruesome aspects of this case. Personally, I don't think it matters if you try the case in Brooklyn or Peoria. The details are equally repugnant to anyone.

Since the ultimate goal is to keep Aron off the streets forever, an insanity defense and incarceration in a psychological facility might be the best solution. And avoid a trial altogether. BUT with the knowledge of how cold and calculated Aron acted--seeming to plan an attack on some child, that child unfortunately turning out to be Leiby Kletsky, his intentionally drugging him to make him more amenable to being killed, shows premeditation, which does not speak of insanity. As sick as the dismemberment and body disposal was, they speak of knowing that the act was wrong, and wanting to cover it up, hoping to get away with it. So, as much as I think Aron is sick, in some way, he does not sound technically insane to me.

But we shall find out, soon enough, darlings!!!!!!!!! Whatever transpires, he must be put away somehow, and justice must be rendered to Leiby and his family!!!!!!!!!!

Dockett, dockett, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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