Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Oh, My God, Girls!!!!!!!!!! Can You Believe It?????? Bland Blaine From "Glee?"

Darlings, just when we thought things were stabilizing on the Rialto after all the crises last season, with just 'Spider Man' alone, comes the next ongoing disaster.

At the end of the year, or thereabouts, Daniel Radcliffe's contract is up on 'How To Succeed'. Having been carrying this gigantic project on his shoulders for the better part of a year, he is going to move on to other things. Though I am certain a return to the Rialto (and maybe a TONY Award!!!) are certainties in his future!!!!!!!

Now, the producers of this show also produced "Promises, Promises." When Sean Hayes' and Kristin Chenowith's contracts were up, the decision was made not to replace them, and no one really batted an eye. No one, that is, except disgruntled theatergoers, who were pissed over being denied a chance to see the show.

So, maybe, to appease such folk, the producers this time are not making that mistake. True enough. But they are compounding things, by making another!!!!!!

Are you ready, loves???? They are going to replace Mr. Radcliffe--bright, perky, cute as a button--with Darren Criss!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, THAT Darren Criss!!!!!! The one who plays Bland Blaine on "Glee."

They say it is for a limited run!!!!!!! I'll say; like one night!!!!!!! Criss is so bland as Blaine, how is he going to have the personality, let alone talent, to play J. Pierpont Finch????? Are you kidding??????? If they want to get a "Glee-ER", how about Chris Colfer, who plays Kurt???? HE has a great singing voice, is not much bigger than Radcliffe, is cute, perky, and definitely NOT bland!!!!!!!!!!

But NO, they have to go with bland Blaine!!!!!!!! This is really going to sink this show's sails!!!!!!!! Down the tubes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only consolation will be that maybe this will sink Criss' career, because, like that other no talent thing, Lea Michele, he does not deserve to have one. At least Lea makes an effort at being personable, even if she should never have gone beyond community theater!!!!! Darren Criss should never have even made the first cut!!!!!!!!!

So there you have it--another surefire miscasting for Broadway. The bar used to be raised so high for casting standards, and casting directors once had an important say in theatrical development. Now, they are being relegated to the sidelines. And theater is going down the tubes!!!!!!!!!!

I certainly have no intention of seeing Darren Criss in this or anything!!!!!
I want all my girls to boycott 'How To Succeed' come January 1, unless they replace Criss with a decent performer!!!!!!!!! Hell, I would be more than willing to step in!!!!!

Blaine?????????? Ech!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get him outta here!!!!!!! They say there is a broken heart for every light on Broadway. But if this goes through, there will be more broken hearts--the hearts of even more disgruntled theatergoers!!!!!!!!!

Bah, Humbug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I haven't seen Darren Criss on Glee yet but I do know that he has a phenomenal voice and his personality is fine. He also has a musical background.

  2. Oh, I don't deny he has ability; there is a voice, and he moves well. I am sure he has a musical background. I just don't think all his components are right for the part.

    Much of Finch is about projecting a dynamic personality. Robert Morse, who originated the role fifty years ago, was short, not conventionally handsome, but had a voice and stage presence that just blew you away.

    I am not sure if Darren is skilled enough to accomplish this. Time will tell!!!!!!!!!!!!!
