Friday, September 2, 2011

Darlings, I Should Have Gone To An Acting School....That Seems Clear!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Labor Day weekend, girls! On a picnic morning, without a warning! May we all try to look our Kim Novak best!!!!!!!

Yes, I should have gone to an acting school. But then, when you look at it, it seems my life has been one big acting school. Who needs Lee Strasberg, when you can have what goes on here??????

Anyway, things are looking interesting for the weekend. There is "The Debt," with Helen Mirren, and a chance to see if Jessica Chastain, so miscast as Celia in "The Help," has some genuine acting chops, or there is the laugh-filled riot sure to be expected from "Shark Night In 3-D!" Just like the piranhas last year, I am sure the shark or sharks steal the show in this one. And I am talking about real, aquatic sharks, darlings, not "West Side Story" ones.

One could cozy up and watch the film version of "Picnic," with the aforementioned Miss Novak. It is set on this weekend, so what is more fitting????
Or we could check what is happening at the Fringe Fest. "Elysian Fields?" "The Legend Of Julie Taymor?" It could be a blast!!!!!!!!!!

The important thing, darlings is that you have a blast, because, even though we have until the 21st, technically this weekend marks the fading of summer. More than the passing of any other season, there is always something sad about that. I think it goes back to when we all uniformly used to dread September, when the specter of Back To School hung over all of us. Once liberated from that, what is there to get worked up about?????

So a fond farewell right now, to Summer 2011, highlighted for yours truly by that fabulous trip to New Orleans!!!!!!! Make haste for your clothes closets as Fashion Week and falling autumn leaves fast approach!!!!!!!!!!!

Soon we'll hear old Winter's song, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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