Thursday, September 1, 2011

Girls, I Cannot Believe I Missed This One!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This week's Bitch Of The Week I just recently discovered, but once I did, let me tell you, I knew he was destined for this honor. Had I been writing this column when the events in question transpired, he would no doubt have earned the distinction of being the youngest winner. But, since said incident, which I shall recount, was seventeen years ago, he is past that distinction, but still rates BOTW status.

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Eric Smith of Savona, New York!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before you say, "Who?", let me explain. This past Sunday, while Irene was racing, and, to pass the time, since we fortunately had power, I began to watch a program called "Too Young To Kill: 15 Shocking Crimes," a profile of 15 juvenile offenders who had killed.
I actually knew a couple of the cases--Sam Manzie and the Shanda Sharer case. But Eric's case was completely new to me, and fascinating, because even as I looked into the eyes of a seemingly innocent child, I could see a cold and calculating sociopath.

Eric's story can easily be seen as real life version of both the "Law and Order" episode, "Killerz," where Hallee Hirsh played Jenny Brandt, and an inverted version of the Tyler Clementi tragedy. The end result was horrifying.

Born on January 22, 1980, Eric was raised upstate in Savona, New York, a town in Steuben County. He was a problem from the get-go; like Jenny, he followed the classic serial killer pattern of starting out with killing small animals, indicative that it would only be a short time before he escalated to bigger victims.

Combined with this, was Eric's appearance, and the bullying it caused. Because of a drug his mother had taken during pregnancy, Eric's ears were somewhat set back. Not really a big deal, but when you are a kid, and to other kids who prey on weaker ones, it can be, and it was. Eric's ears, combined with his red hair, aviator glasses, and cold look, gave him a decidedly nerdy appearance that was often prey to classmate taunts. He grew up a loner, with, apparently no friends whatsoever. By the time he reached 13, Eric had stored up a lot of rage from years of teasing, and it was almost inevitable that it exploded. Which it did on the morning of August 2, 1993.

Across the street from the Smiths lived the Robies, who had a four-year-old son, named Derrick. He was cute, happy, and sunny. He was also extremely vulnerable. Several blocks away from their houses was a day camp for kids during the summer, which both boys would partake of, although their paths had never crossed before. That day, they did; Derrick's mother, in an echo of Julie Patz back in 1979, gave in to her son's yearning for independence--his desire to walk the straight block walk from his house to the camp--fairly visible--for the first time. Thinking there could be no harm, she did--a regret I am sure she carries to this day.

Somewhere along his walk, Eric happened by on his bike. He talked Derrick into following him on a shortcut he knew. In a wooded area, Eric then strangled, stabbed and sodomized four-year-old Derrick, hitting him with two different rocks, to assure he was dead. He left the body there.

Of course, neighbors suspected an adult pedophile. Who wouldn't??? Horrific as that was, a search began for Derrick's killer, with Eric even helping in the attempt. Eventually, police discovered that Eric somehow knew too much about what was going on, and that, when Derrick's steps were traced, things seemed to somehow stop with Eric. Several days later, Eric broke down, and told his parents what he had done. They turned him in the next day, horrifying even more the town of Savona. An adult perp would have been bad enough, but a child?????????

Eric was grilled psychologically, where it was determined he suffered from what was called "impulsive explosive disorder", causing him to erupt violently in outbursts he could not control. It was also clear, as Eric explained it, that in murdering Derrick, he was acting out the rage he felt against his classmate tormentors. But, because, as he said, Eric was "defenseless", and the opportunity just presented itself (same with Levi Aron and Leiby Kletzsky) Eric acted on his evil impulses. He was given a life sentence.

This alone is enough to make Eric this week's winner. But what makes him stand out more, is that, as a 31- year -old adult, he has gone up several times for parole, because he feels he has been rehabilitated. He says that at age 13, he had no sense of morality, because he did not know what morals were. Except, Eric, that the age of reason is 7. And that in knowingly choosing Derrick as victim because he was defenseless, you are making a cold and calculated move. Because no one first thought of a child killer, Eric almost slipped through the radar. The prosecutor of his case contends, and I agree, that, had he not been caught, or, if released, he would no doubt kill again.

Eric's story is a tragedy all around. The Robies lost their child, Derrick. Eric lost his freedom because he did not get the help he needed early on. And he was bullied. Unlike poor Tyler Clementi, who turned his feelings upon himself, Eric turned them outward, with irrevocable results. But the fact he so righteously maintains his recovery and fitness for society is the added ingredient in making him the Bitch Of The Week. As long as Eric remains confined, society is safe.
If released, I don't care how much time goes by, Eric will be heard from again.

And to think he has the audacity to say that if he is set free, he would return and live in Savona. As if anyone there would let him????? And with that sodomy act he pulled, how about registering for sex offender status? Eric's release would require a new identity and anonymous existence to keep him from being torn apart. It is a wonder he has not been done so already in prison.

So here is to Eric Smith, Bitch Of The Week. His deeds have obviously not been forgotten by him or others, so it is best he stay where he is.

A REAL piece of work, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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