Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Darlings, It Seems I Have Recovered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, let me be the first to tell you all, it pays not having been a druggie when young, because, now that I am older, I am SO responsive to them now!!!!! Yesterday, I had my fourth, and final wisdom tooth removed. I am not ready to eat steak yet, but I certainly feel better, than, say, 24 hours ago!!!! Score another one for Dinah Washington!!!! While I am not yet ready to chow down on steak, and am currently confining chewing to the right side, I feel ready and able to blog, have my reading concentration back, and am off and running!!!!!

But getting back to drugs. Well, to get the tooth out, even though it was just one, and was simply an extraction, I asked to be put out, because, like the song says in "Tommy," I didn't want to see it, I didn't want to hear it, and, most of all, I didn't want to FEEL it. I still have never seen "Marathon Man" but I do remember that scene in the Tom Hanks movie, "Castaway"......CRINGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, even though I take a klonopin each night to help me sleep, which means, technically, I am anesthetizing myself nightly, it still pales besides the real thing, because there is always something frightening about surrendering yourself. Even when you are giving up your virtue, darlings, but let's not go there!!!!!

Honey, with my med history, I have seen it all!!!!! I can remember being gassed into unconsciousness by this sickening sweet smelling stuff that would seem to choke you, just before darkness usually closed in before your very eyes. This alone was enough to make undergoing anaesthesia a chief fear. However, I did not count on the passage of time, and advances, and thank God for them!!! Now, they have this wonderful stuff called Versed, and let me tell you, it is so fast working--at least on me--I cannot recommend it highly enough!!!!! I last had it January 8, for that great ritual of Middle Age--the colonoscopy!!!! I remember feeling the needle--which, after all what I have had stuck in me, is nothing!!!!--the med going in, and the room spinning, like in "The Wizard Of Oz," which is what I thought of. Then, in what seemed a split second, I was being congratulated on my results!!!!! With this procedure, it was even better; I had no idea of being out. I recall sitting in the chair, staring at this beautiful, multicolored, abstract art painting, which I seemed never for a second to lose sight of. Then, I was looking, and the surgeon said the tooth was successfully removed!!!!! I could not believe it!!!!! I mean, suppose I had given birth???? I might not have known!!!!!!

Fat chance of that at my age, (even though I am still PROFESSIONALLY 24) gender, and the fact that, at this point I would be post menopausal. (Though, when I occasionally act up, Monsieur wonders if I am having hot flashes, darlings!!!!!) But I am telling you, love, if you have to be put under, ask for Versed!!!!! The time flies faster than a viewing of "The Wizard Of Oz!" If not as much fun!!!!!

So here I am, still with all my girls, and ready to report on the latest Things To Be!!!!! Fashion Week is coming soon, will be held near where I work, so I might get to sit down with Anna!!!! Have I got lots to tell her!!!!!

And this is where you will hear it first, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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