Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, today Summer unofficially comes to an end, so a happy Labor Day to all!!!
Remember that after tomorrow, the white shoes go away for another year, and so do the seersucker suits!!!! Now come the Street Festivals, in a last blast of outdoor frenzy, before the chill of Autumn and the cold of Winter force us back inside, where seasonal wardrobes have to be considered carefully!!!! And for children, or if you have children, it is the last blast before school starts, usually the Wednesday following today. At least, that's how it always was, back in Highland Park!!!!!!

So use this Labor day to relax, and gird up for what the coming cold seasons bring!!!!! Before you know it, the Rockettes will be dancing at Radio City, so if you want to be in that lineup. get out your kick shoes, and start practicing!!!!!

And a happy Labor day to all!!! Wasn't Summer 2011 something??????

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