Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Darlings, This Was So Hearbreaking!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, even though we are still coming down from "Pan Am" fever, which I guarantee will mark the Return of the Girdle, I just had to point out this 'SVU" I saw last night. Not only was it one of the few I had never seen before; it made me question our Justice system!!!!!

The episode was "Juvenile," from 2002. In it, a woman is found raped and murdered in her apartment. It is also found she was a cancer patient, undergoing chemo and supporting herself by growing huge quantities of marijuana in her apartment, but in a room that looks like a lab, or an outtake from "The Day Of The Trifids." A key element was vomit on the floor, which pointed to the deed having been done by a child!!!!!!!!

Two, actually. The boys, Zachary Connell, 12 (pictured, above) and Jeremy Brice, 14. But there is a difference. The younger of the boys is a confirmed sociopath, but due to his age can only be tried in family court. The older boy, played movingly by Shane Lyon, CAN be tried as an adult, but his capacity is so questionable I was wondering if, based on how he was playing the role, the kid was retarded or had Down's Syndrome. In the end, he is just slow, socially speaking. He was a loner, with no friends, and, since Zach pretended friendship with him to get him to go along with whatever, Jeremy complies, even if he doesn't always think what Zach does is right.

It is a slippery slope. Jeremy understands right and wrong; he doesn't understand that he is being used, so when Zach tells him to get a knife, he gets it, and when Zach rapes and murders the woman, Jeremy's response is to throw up on the floor, because he is truly repulsed by it. But he is afraid to leave, for fear of losing Zach's friendship or fear of what Zach will do to him.

Which is exactly what Alex Cabot understands, so she removes herself from the case. I am telling you, Alex and I are on the same page, because this child should NOT have been tried as adult!!!! So Elizabeth Donnelly (Judith Light) prosecutes Jeremy, though it sickens her to do it. The worst, though, comes from Jeremy's mother (Becky Ann Baker), who is so ignorant, she thinks the jury will let him walk. Both Donnelly and Alex try to tell her otherwise, but no. The jury DOES find him guilty, and for her ignorance, Jeremy is issued a Life Sentence!!!!!

This was one of the most heartbreaking shows I have ever seen. Jeremy should not have been tried this way; he is the best case for diminished capacity I have seen! Zach, the sociopath, gets a free ride in Family Court, and will come out to kill again. Jeremy, who would have been innocent if not for Zach, is incarcerated for life. This episode pointed out how seriously the Justice system needs to be reexamined!!!!!!

You have to see this one, darlings! It will leave you shaking!!!!!!!!!

I recommend a chilled Margarita to relax with afterwards!!!!!!!!!!!

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