Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Girls, Sometimes Creativity Should Have Its Limits!!!!!!!!

Darlings, I cannot tell you how sick to my stomach this TV commercial which is always being aired makes me. It is what I call the "Geico Sushi Commercial." It features a set of despicable parents, both of whom are disgustingly unctuous, but the father especially so, who confess to the camera that they have become so addicted to sushi that, due to hard economics, they have resorted to eating their daughter's pet fish!!!!!!!!!!

Part of what nauseates me comes from the (again) unctuous way the actors as the parents deliver their lines. Someone must have thought this was a great concept, and maybe it looked great on paper. But acted out it is a horror--parents betraying a child, eating something which should not be consumed, and risking potential health damage in the face of it. Let me tell you, if this ad ended with the parents dying on camera of food poisoning, it might have made me feel better.

And they don't stop airing the damn thing. The minute I see these two actors (whom I am sure are reaping heaps of residuals!!!) my stomach turns!!!!!!!!!! I am certainly not against irreverence and occasional poor taste, but this is a violation!!!!!! Get it off the air soon, before someone tries to outdo it with an even more disgusting commercial!!!!!!

Which has been done, anyway, with that sewer cleaning commercial showing sludge of human waste!!!!!!!!!!!!

What have we come to, darlings!!!!!!! Have American consumers been reduced to inmates in Dr. Moreau's House Of Pain????????????????????????

Bring back the days of Betty Furness and Westinghouse!!!!!! At least, she knew how to dress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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