Thursday, September 29, 2011

Darlings, Do NOT Make A Date With This Bitch!!!!!

That is, unless you are going to see her on screen, where she belongs!!! Which I had intended to this evening, loves, till I got a better invite to a sumptuous holiday dinner!!! This week, the winner of Bitch Of The Week is fictitious, but, more importantly, she does not have a name, though everyone who has seen the film remembers the actress who played her!!!!!

The winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Hysterical Woman In Diner, from Alfred Hitchock's film, "The Birds." She was memorably played by Doreen Lang, and this big moment became her signature role. And, to a certain extent, her classic line, "I think you're evil! EVIL!!!" has become something of a campy catch phrase!!!!

Honey, this woman is so tightly wound, you wonder from the beginning just what she was doing driving through Bodega Bay. My guess is her husband threw her out, because he could not take living with her anymore!!! But, then, could anyone???? You have to feel sorry for her children; they are going to be traumatized for Life!!!! Never mind bird attacks, their mother will do the job!!! In fact, as the scene progresses, the kids aren't phased a bit!!! Only this hysteric is unhinged from the start. In fact, next to her signature line (stated above) the boy has the second best line, when he states, more with excitement than fear, "Are the birds going to eat us, Mommy!" Like he's looking forward to being pecked!!!! Hey, kid, stay on the West Coast, because, once you grow up, you can ditch PsychoMom, head for San Francisco, and find yourself in a sling in some sleazy S and M bar!!!! You can tell his future just from this scene!!!!

As for the other patrons, I think they wanted to throw her to the birds!!!!! Hell, I would not have blamed them.

As an actress, Doreen Lang appeared in several other films (Hitchcock's "The Wrong Man," among them), always with professional panache, but she never shined more brightly than here!!! Her Hysterical Woman is one for the Ages, and we salute her as Bitch Of The Week!!!!!

But all MY girls want to wear Tippi Hedren's green suit, and long fur coat!!!!!

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