Saturday, October 1, 2011

Happy October, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, can you believe it is already October 1st????????? And what a month we have ahead--Ghosties and Ghoulies, Guardian Angels, fall birthdays, Oktoberfest(which I have never been to; I mean, all that bratwurst and beer, not my favorites, darling!!!!). This follows on what has to have been the fastest September I have been through, yet!!!!!! Yesterday, by afternoon, I was SO exhausted, I had to rest on the couch to get some of my energy back. Enough at least to catch some of the episodes of "Law And Order" being shown!!!!!!!!

One of those was a gem from 2003, which I never saw, called "Floater!" This one pressed a lot of my buttons, honey! It also had layers of stories, one of which was not even developed! The "Floater" of the title turns out to be a court clerk, Adriana Marchetti, fished out of the Hudson, near the Cloisters. Foul play is suspected immediately, with her sleazy, skirt-chasing hubby Eugene (superbly played by Sean Cullen) the prime suspect. BUT it turns out to be Super Cover Up Time At The Courthouse!!!!! All the attorneys (including this sleazy Indian guy, Ravi Patel, who did not look Indian at all; too bad M. Night Shymalian was not cast in this role--he could use a hit!!!!!) fix the dockets with the clerks to get assigned to Judge Ruth Alexander (brilliantly played by the brilliant Jan Maxwell) who has real axes to grind!!!!!!! It seems her character, Rachel Alexander, a judge, went through a nasty divorce, where her husband took HER to the cleaner's!!!!!! Which is the part of the story I wanted to develop, because usually it is the wife who cleans out the husband!!!!!!! How did this guy do it??????? So, she, understandably, has a big chip on her shoulder about wealthy divorce cases, and feels she should be compensated beyond her salary for having to listen to "rich women and their problems" all day. And up to a degree, she has a point!!!!!!! However, Adriana, who was a real up and up worker, finds out what is going on, and, because she wants to divorce HER sleazy husband and take HIM to the cleaner's (which this guy deserves) she finds out about the cover up, and threatens to expose Judge Alexander. Well, the judge picks up Adriana at home one day, drives her uptown, and corners her for some girl talk, but before you can "Oops!" Adriana is dead (beaten and strangled, I think) and then rolled into the river!!!!!!!!! Nice, Jan!!!!!!!!!! Cornered, Judge Alexander, in a stunning red suit, confesses tearfully to the murder, admitting sorrow for that, but not for the payoffs!!!!!!! Her sorry ass is hauled off to prison!!!!!!!!!!

But this episode crystallizes why I have always hated the character of Arthur Branch, played by Fred Dalton Thompson. I have no quarrel, darlings, with Fred's work; he is a skilled actor, and he plays Arthur superbly. I have complete disdain for the character of Arthur Branch, because the U.S. judicial system if full of these types, and they are a danger to the foundations of freedom that our nation purports to have!!!!!!!!

Except that Arthur, wearing an American flag on his lapel, signifying his Right Wing status, is the type who favors the wealthy and capitalistic successful over others. His ego is massive; Judge Alexander had been one of HIS students when she was in law school, so, naturally, she is beyond reproach!!!!!!! Get over yourself, Art!!!!!!!!!
And why do you always look constipated, or like you have an enlarged prostate????? Come to think of it, so do most Right Wingers!!!!!! I mean, look at Michelle Bachmann!!!!!! And she doesn't even have a prostate!!!!!!! I think!!!!!!!!!

I never understood why when Steven Hill, who was crumundgeonly, left the show, they had to put someone like Arthur in there! Maybe to shake up Jack McCoy, whose side I am on!!!!!!!! Eventually, though, I think Jack ate Arthur for breakfast, because he was not on the show very long!!!!!!!!! Diane Weist was better!!!!!!!!!

But this episode brings up a lot of issues! It should be seen! And Arthur's final line, "The wicked get more than they deserve" makes me puke! He would probably defend Dahrun Ravi, saying Tyler Clementi asked for it being gay!

Get these boobs out of our legal system!!!!!!!!!! Or at least change the laws so that they cannot act on judgements based on their prejudices!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, it was fabulous!!!!!!! But, now on to Ghoulies and Ghosties!!!!!!!!!!!

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