Saturday, October 1, 2011

Girls, Jamie Bufalino Is Cute Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, I have been reading Jamie for a long time in TONY (which my girls know stands for "Time Out New York".) He is the magazine's Sex Advice columnist, (the name of the column being, appropriately enough, "Get Naked, With Jamie Bufalino") and I always turn to the back page, where he is, for some laughs. Which I sometimes get!!!!!!!

Who could forget the classic letter, written in by the jealous boyfriend, because his girlfriend told him that her dog, Bubba, went down on her better than he did?????
How do you top that??? Or, better yet, why isn't Bubba in some Canine Hall Of Fame????

Actually that was topped by the letter from the girlfriend, who had had it with her boyfriend's peccadillo. He liked to--excuse me, darlings!--defecate in the shower, and then shove the result down the drain with his feet!!!! It got him off!!!!!!!! I cannot remember what Jamie said, but, honey, I can tell you, this guy has some unresolved infancy issues!!!!!!!!

You certainly cannot blame Jamie for these letters; there are, after all, some STRANGE people out there! And you know I do NOT endorse such things, darling; I mean, how could I, when I shop at Lord And Taylor??????

Jamie does not really endorse, he just comments. But for awhile, his picture was SO cute, you just wanted to pinch him on the cheeks!!!!!! Then, for a period, it got rather ugly, till you wondered, "What happened, Jamie?" and you really did not want to turn to that last page, no matter how good the column might be! We want Jamie young and perky looking.

Well, after seeing Jamie on Youtube the other day, I can tell you, he is not young and perky. In fact, he looks rather porky and middle aged. Not nearly as bad as Michael Moore, but that cute boy we used to see on his column page, is long gone!!!!!!! However, the pic he sports now is the best since those days, which indicates either Jamie has done some self-improvement, or he has learned the advantages of air brushing. I mean, who hasn't??? Where would Angelina Jolie be, if not for it???????

So, now it is OK to read Jamie once again. However, if he starts getting ugly again, I suggest TONY hire Bubba to write the column!!!!!!! That dog has more going for him than we know!!!!!!!!!!!!

As do all MY girls out there, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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