Monday, September 26, 2011

Darlings, When You Are A Social Butterfly, You Have To Make The Right Choices!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's not easy being the Raving Queen, darlings. It is a lot like being Anna, because sometimes you have to be in several places at once, and while that may be possible for Anna--a stretch limo can work wonders--for yours truly who has to rely on public transportation, it just isn't possible.

So, when I heard that my book group, long dormant for nearly six months, was reconvening at Steve's elegant new pensione, I was dying to go, bringing with me, of course, the traditional housewarming gift--an African violet!!!!! But it also turned out to be the weekend Monsieur and I were supposed to go to Buford, Georgia, for a wedding. AND it turned out that my friend Mary Ann, and her friend Leslie were coming in to town for some shows, most importantly, "Follies." What was I to do?????

Well, Georgia I left to Monsieur. It was entirely his call, because while I love weddings, where the hell is Buford, Georgia??? I mean, I didn't want to get violated by some of those "Deliverance" type rednecks!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!
We backed out of that one, due to cash being strapped; understandable enough, and after the report we got on the high drama that took place at the reception, I can tell you I am glad I was NOT there, because you can bet, had I been, THIS bitch would have put a stop to THOSE bitch shenanigans!!!!!!!!!

The book group was tempting; I would have loved to seen the group, Steve's new place, and Steve, who is such a charming host, and always plies me with wine!!!!!! I had even read the chosen book months before--"A Visit From The Goon Squad," by Jennifer Egan, and, while I was not all that crazy about it, I would love to have heard how the discussion went.

But with Mary Ann coming to town, I knew this had to take precedent. So Monsieur and I got dolled up, and met she and Leslie (whose hair was fabulous!!!!) in the Paramount hotel lobby for drinks. No Bloody Marys on the menu....hmmmm, they better do something about that!!!!!!! But a good time was had by all, and Mary Ann, looking her most Amy Adams-ish in blue with blue pearls, did not look a day over 19!!!!! Like me, loves, at 24!!!!!!!!!!!!! From there, we high tailed it to Becco, which I had heard of but never tried. Well, everything there was superb. I sampled some of Leslie's stuffed peppers, and they were luscious. Monsieur and I had the pasta special and the selections, and Caesar Salad, were superb! The mushroom ravioli was my favorite, though the pesto spaghetti was good, as they did not overdo that ingredient. Mary Ann's lambchops were tender and inviting. Just like me, darlings!!!!!!! A lambchop, that's ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! And with the wine, who needed to see "Follies?" I could have done the whole thing right there! I am sure the place would have appreciated saving the expensive ticket prices!!!!!! The deserts,. ranging from chocolate mousse cake, to vanilla gelato, to gelato selections, to custard, were perfect, and the coffee was strong, the way I like it. The ambiance was glamorous, darlings, with all of us setting the tone, and the evening just flew by!!!!!!! We would definitely go back there, again!!!!!!!!!!!

It all comes down to making the right choices, darlings!!!!!!! And when you have been at this as long as I have, you know how to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Though, next time I will have a Veuve Cliquot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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