Monday, September 26, 2011

Girls, What A Nightmare Commute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, I am telling you, what turned out to be a fabulous weekend started out the pits!!!!!! Let me explain that the true meaning of the acronyms TGIF or FTG (the latter coined by Bel Kaufman in "Up The Down Staircase") is that when that end of day time comes, we just want to get the hell outta there, kick off our heels, have some drink, and, most of all, get home, where we can slip out of our girdles!!!!!!! Imagine what I have to go through, loves!!!!!!!!

So, this past Friday, I was ripe for this. Monsieur met me at work, and we were planning to high tail it to my nabe for a relaxing eve at my place. Then we got below to the subway.

The whole past week has been a bitch on the IRT #1 Line! Every day, after 6, there are just too many people for my satisfaction if the trains are running on time. Friday was the worst--wall to wall, meaning you would be lucky if you got on the third car that went by, except nothing was coming. Something about an ongoing investigation at Christopher Street (someone having sex on the subway, again??? Hmmm?) so there were backups and delays. I had had a draining week, and I felt like such a bitch!!! And this only made me feel worse!!!!!!!!! After a half hour--I am NOT going to tolerate this!--we had enough, and wisely caught a downtown bus above ground, which got us to 42nd Street, on board the #7 Train, and out to my place in Queens. We lost a whole hour; by the time we sat down for dinner it was 7PM.

Let me just say it was a good thing this did not happen on Wednesday, or else the MTA would have been looking at being named Bitch Of The Week! As it is, I have them on the back burner for future postings!!!!!!!!!!!

Nightmare commutes happen, granted, but they should not happen that often!!!! Why must they always come at the end of the week, when everyone has had it???? I guess it is just Murphy's Law!!!!!! Well, Murphy, you know what you can go and do!!!!!!

But by eight o clock, we were, settled, comfy and reading, and looking forward to the rest of the weekend!!!!!!! Which you will hear about presently!!!!!

I should have listened to the cast album of "Subways Are For Sleeping" that night, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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