Friday, September 23, 2011

Girls, Can You Believe It Has Been Thirty Years?????????

Darlings, I always knew I would be what the young call "older" when I reached a point in time where 15, 20, even 30 years, could be remembered. But that was for a distant, some unknown, future.

Well, sweeties, let me tell you, it happens sooner than you think! Because, here we are! Three decades ago, I walked through these hallowed halls called Work, not having any idea what I would be in for, much less that I would be around three decades later.

I mean, what I thought, then, was that three decades later, I would have my own theater casting office on Fifth Avenue! If not getting cast in things myself.

Honey, it still could happen! Never say never! But what a thirty years it has been--everything from True Love to the Internet!!!!!! From Highland Park to Bay Ridge to Queens to Bethune Street (I spend so much time there, darlings, I might as well include it in my Life Locales!!!!) and who knows what is next?????

My wish? For another thirty more, and that the thirty you have had and will have prove to be as rewarding as mine, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

Tennessee Williams wrote of "the enemy, Time, in us all." Not that he wasn't write, but sometimes Time can be a friend.

And Monsieur and I will commemorate this milestone at my favorite Italian restaurant. Stay tuned for just what that establishment is!!!!!

Keep that clock ticking, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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