Thursday, September 22, 2011

Girls, We Have To Talk About Stephanie March's Hair!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, let me tell you, the fact that THIS was the highlight of last night's Season Opener of "Law And Order SVU" speaks volumes about the impact felt by Chris Meloni's absence, and could signal the show's beginning to tank. I hope not.

But wasn't Stephanie stunning, loves???? I mean, not since Laura Weisberger's cover photo from "The Devil Wears Prada," have I seen such a shining example of hair as a career asset. Long, lustrous and thick--take your cues, girls, because good grooming on the part of Alex saved this show.

Alexandra Cabot, the gutsy ADA, has always been a favorite. But now, with Elliot Stabler gone, Stephanie's performance and appearance has gone up several notches. Honey, it almost became HER show! Which would not be so bad. Even Mariska's crying scene in the interrogation room--which I felt was forced--couldn't hold a candle to Miss Stephanie March!!!!!!!!!!

The episode was based on that recent case involving the French diplomat and
the maid here in NYC. In this, he was Italian, and what a shock, darlings, when we saw he was played by Franco Nero!!!!!!!! Oh, my God!!!!!!!! Has he aged!!!!!!!! I mean, I remember him as Lancelot in the movie version of "Camelot," with Vanessa Redgrave, back in 1967, and he was a hottie then!!!! Not that, for an older man, he didn't look GOOD, but, how time has flown!!!!!!!!! Franco, honey, was that a hair transplant, or what??????? Heaven help us!!!!!!!!!!!

But the real mystery did not involve this case. It centered on--

Where was Dr. Huang (B.D. Wong)??????
Where was Joanna Merlin as Judge Lena Petrovsky???? I want Joanna!!!!!!!!
Where was Ned Eisenberg as cute Defense Attorney Roger Kressler? Ditto!!!
Will the still cute Linus Roache be on all season?????
Ditto Tamara Tunie, as ME Warner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only consistent thing was the sad look on Dan Florek's face--fewer staff, and he still in NOT the cute one!!! Even with his newly polished chrome dome!!!!!!!!

Thank God for Stephanie March!!!!!! But can we count on her to singlehandedly
save this show???? The pressure must really be on her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now it becomes encumbered on all of us to get a hair appointment SOON!!!!!!!!

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