Sunday, September 11, 2011

Girls, This Guy Is A Disgrace!!!!!!!!!

Who the hell is this Marc Poirier, and who does he think he is?????

Well, he is a professor at Seton Hall Law School in New Jersey, and claims to be openly gay, but after some of his remarks, I have to question his communal standing.

While he does maintain that Dahrun Ravi should serve some time related to the Tyler Clementi tragedy, he seems to feel the Gay Community is going overboard, and that his should not be really looked as a hate crime or bias intimidation!!!!

Well, Marc, if not, what, then???? And if you feel Ravi should do some time, just what do you feel he should be charged with???? Where is your conflicted thinking guiding you????

I guess, Marc, though you are gay, you may have been one of the so-called lucky ones; those who could "pass" for being straight! It got you into the male dominated profession of law, and Seton Hall Law School!!!! Try living life as one unable to pass, or maybe not even wanting to, and you will see how rough things are out there.
Instead of worrying about Ravi, how about some concern for Clementi's plight????? And those of others like him????

Let me tell you what I think, darlings!!!! This Marc Poirier is a big Andrew Sullivan type case who hides behind a veneer of hetero self-righteousness and sexual hypocrisy. You know, the kind who think if they don't suck, then they are not really gay!!!! Honey, these types are just as, and sometimes more, dangerous, than the homophobes out there, because at least with them, you know what you are dealing with up front!!!! With Poirier and his ilk, they can be proverbial wolves in sheep's clothing!!!!!!

Hey, Marc, you wolf, you are free to think whatever you want!!!!! But so am I--and what I think is maybe you should stay inside more, especially during the full moon, not just because of the hair on your palms, but because someone might go gunning for you with a silver bullet!!!!!!! It is a wonder the defense team has not tried to get hold of you!!!! Though, after reading some of your comments, maybe they will!!!!!

You just better pray I don't get hold of you!!!! Take away your gym membership and colognes!!!!! As the title goes, You Will Never Eat Lunch In This Town Again!!!!!!!

Our community has enough problems without people like Marc Poirier adding to them!!!!! Bitch slap him to Kingdom Come!!!!!!!

Who's the bitch now, Marc??????????????????????

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