Sunday, September 11, 2011

Darlings, There Was No Way I was NOT Gonna Write About This!!!!!!!

Girls, can you believe it has been 10 years???? I can hardly comprehend that so much time has gone by, but, then, I was in no shape to comprehend what took place on that Tuesday morning, September 11, 2001.

There I was, coming out of the subway at West 14th Street, en route to a doctor appointment. It was a gorgeous day. And my mind was more on the next day, September 12, when, since 1978, I would stand in front of the Waverly Theatre, and sing "Frank Mills." Which I still do!!!!

I remember passing St. Vincent's hospital, when, on cue, bursts of medical workers streamed out of the ER doors, like a movie being shot. Ambulances and fire trucks began tearing pell mell down the street. Making my way further down, I passed two electrical workers, who informed me a plane had knocked into the World Trade Center. A wind accident, I thought. And still thought, as I reached Christopher Street, where people gawked at the flaming left tower. I still did not get what had just happened. But I soon did; for, shortly thereafter, a plane came out of nowhere, and suddenly the second tower was ablaze!!!!! People began to scream, and then a woman on her cell phone yelled, "They just got the Pentagon!" That is when I knew we were under attack.

I went to the doctor's appointment; they knew nothing at that point. I was so shocked I never even mentioned it. I finished, and went back out. When on the street, I looked downtown...saw one tower, but the left one was a mass of fog! I asked what happened, and was told the tower had fallen!!!!! Then, before my eyes, the second tower fell, and people screamed. I went into some form of dissociative shock, as I made my way uptown to work--forget about the subways now, because nothing was running!!!!! It was as though I was an extra in a giant monster movie, being told to run from the creature. Except I could not see what the creature was!!!!!!

Thus are my memories of that benchmark day. For baby boomers of my generation, it was enough we had November 22, 1963--Kennedy's assassination--to remember; I never expected another in my lifetime!!!! But, even as I slowly walked uptown, I knew this, too, would be another. And so it is!!!!!

The best thing I can say about ten years later is we are all still here, and there has not been another attack!!!! May there never be!!!! It was enough we had this one!

So, girls, I am telling you, as Auntie Mame said, live life to the fullest!!!!! Whether that includes Manhattans or milkshakes, make the time count!!!!!!!

Because there are just gonna be some times when you simply CANNOT get a beauty appointment!!!!!!!

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