Saturday, September 10, 2011

Score One More For Our Side, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, let's hear it for Middlesex County Judge Glenn Berman!!!!!!! He is holding fast to the decision that the charges made against Dahrun Ravi relating to Tyler Clementi should NOT be dismissed, and that Ravi should be held accountable for all 15 indicted counts. This is good news for those of us who want justice for Tyler, and it indicated Ravi is certainly not off the hook. I saw one photo, where it appeared he was biting his nails, and I think, for the first time, this smug, arrogant punk realizes at last the seriousness of the situation he is in!!!! About time!!!!!!!!!

It has also been decreed that prosecutors must turn over to the defense the name of Tyler's "companion," hitherto known only as "M.B." And I am sure that does not mean Milton Bradley!!!!!!!! How the defense thinks this can help its case seems like grasping at straws, even if they cross examine him mercilessly. What are they going to contend? Tyler Clementi forced this guy???? I hardly think so!!!!!!!!!!

For one thing, while it is not directly relevant to the case, but certainly relevant toward understanding Tyler Clementi, is clarifying whether this was to be Tyler's "first time." Based on all I have read, I would fathom a guess that it was.
During the short time he was on campus, he had sought out the University gay community, gone to a support group meeting, so he was out and proud!!!!!!!! From there it would be just a short step to losing his virtue. But then Dahrun Ravi stepped in and intruded on what should have been Tyler's, and Tyler's alone, Rite Of Passage!!!!!!! While it is true one never forgets, this memory should have been left to Tyler exclusively, not to anyone else--Ravi, Wei, or the cyberspace community!!!!!!!!

When it comes to destruction, you have to admit-_Dahrun Ravi is a train wreck! First, three families have been altered by him--the Clementis, the Weis, and his own. One wonders if he has any sense of that. While the Clementis certainly bear the worst of it, the other families will have the shame of this around their necks evermore, like the proverbial albatross. At the time of the incident, and in the early aftermath, I don't believe Ravi had enough empathy to form these realizations.

And what of Tyler Clementi? Honestly, the more I learn about him, the more I wonder. As independent as he seemed, was he truly ready for a college environment?
Was Rutgers the right school for him, and what were his other choices? Would this have happened had he gone elsewhere? And, most of all, how did Rutgers, at least at this point, match up their roomies, because, it seems from the get-go this was a gigantic mismatch. Not only was Ravi, even before they met, questioning Tyler's sexuality, he was making fun of his health issues. Apparently, Tyler Clementi was an asthma sufferer (having had it myself as a kid, this is another point on which I can relate myself to him), so naturally he would talk about it and treating it. But Ravi eschewed it, to the point of putting him down for mentioning it. These were two people who never should have come together, and, had they not been roomed, probably never would have. In this case, Rutgers does hold some culpability, for, while it could not have known the tragic outcome of this pairing, it clearly indicated, even before the incidents we know came into play, that this was a mismatch, so something is amiss with their, for want of a better word, matchmaking system.

Poor Tyler Clementi. From the start, it seemed his destiny was being set up to be a sacrificial lamb. But to what cause? Certainly not one of his own choosing!!!! And, as the anniversary of his death quickly approaches faster than might be realized, it would seem this kid never got a break. Because what should have been his coming-of-age years--socially, sexually, artistically and professionally--were violated by poor authoritarian choices and a still predominantly homophobic American culture. Mr. Ravi was a product of that culture, his actions bespoke of a belief in it, and his still very visible lack of remorse indicates he has yet to understand what he has done--even to himself!!!!!

I am sorry, but I could care less about him. I am more concerned with justice for Tyler Clementi.
One could easily ask where were these people who cared about him when needed???? The answer is, they were there, they were always available, but Tyler could not think clearly enough at that point to avail himself of these options. It cannot be stressed enough--if only he had.

Meanwhile, a promising life has been snuffed out, and three families destroyed by the calculated ruthlessness of one dispassionate individual. On the day of Tyler's Anniversary, honor his memory in whatever way you see fit, but hold fast to the belief that there is indeed a justice for him.

And may that justice save another family from what the Clementis have had to go through!!!!!!!!!!

Damn right, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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