Thursday, September 22, 2011

Was He Too Beautiful To Last?

"Where are those sweet Septembers?
The joy my heart remembers?
Lost in the shadows of the past....
Why did the dream go by so fast?
Was it too beautiful.........
Was it too beautiful to last?"

Was Tyler Clementi too beautiful to last? I find myself asking this question on this, the morning of the year Anniversary of his tragic death. Was he too good and gentle for the world at large, and so he had to leave it? Was Tyler Clementi doomed from the very start?

I wonder. But on this very sad day, I can only revisit the sadness that I am sure all my girls who I know are Tyler supporters feel. And that sadness can only be felt with greater intensity today by those--family and friends--who actually knew Tyler. My thoughts and prayers go out to them.

And I have to ask--what must Ravi, Wei and their families be thinking or feeling, if anything? For today they cannot escape their irrevocable link to this tragedy, which they themselves helped to engineer.

But this is a day for remembrance. So let us remember Tyler--the bright, talented, musically gifted young man, whose eyes in that iconic photo were so filled with hope, looking out on a larger world you could see he wanted so much to be part of. I daresay, if, when I cross over to the Other Side, I see Tyler, I expect that is how he will look. The gentle soul whom family members say always wanted to help others. The fun loving Tyler, who knew how to ride a unicycle! Hey, Tyler, I am STILL impressed by that.

Tyler Clementi had to have been in such pain to do what he did. He could not have foreseen what followed in his wake. The outpourings of love and support from total strangers, including yours truly. The Trevor Project. Dan Savage's "It Gets Better" videos. The plays, "The Bullycide Project, and "...sorry". And governmental laws being enacted under his name.

He did not plan it, but his name has now become code. For gay harassment and cyberbullying. Which is why it is important to remember today those other, unnamed Tylers. In the wake of this past year, they now have options to turn to, so that, hopefully, they will not take Tyler's. And once again, I offer this blog as a forum for the Tylers out there, who are free to say anything on here, no matter how outrageous. Your comments will not go unanswered.

So--however you choose to observe this day--walking over the bridge, praying in church or your favorite safety haven--ask the Almighty to have mercy on Tyler's poor, innocent soul. And to save future Tylers from peril.

That is Tyler Clementi's legacy.

"Oh, very young
What will you leave us this time?
You're only dancing on this Earth for a short while....

And though you want to last forever
You know you never will
You know you never will
And the goodbye makes the journey harder still

......will you carry the words of love with you?"

Dance on, Tyler, dance on. And know you carry our love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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