Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Bitch Is Right Under Our Noses Again, Girls!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly, darlings, I am telling you--as of this morning, dressing for work, I had no Bitch Of The Week. No one fictitious, no one real, though I somehow knew I wanted to get someone real. That shooter in California--Scott Evans Dekkai-is unworthy of such distinction. Not to impugn the victims or their families, but public shootings have become so tragically commonplace that, unless one is personally connected to them, their impact is somehow blunted!!!!!!!!!

But Monsieur pointed out someone who would make a good choice for this week, and here he is!!!!!!!!!

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Attorney For The Defense, Steven Altman, in the Tyler Clementi case.

Some of my girls may have been wondering--with all that I have devoted to this situation, why has Altman not been named sooner. The time, darlings, just did not seem right, until now, and besides the TRUE bitches here are Ravi and Wei. Detestable as Mr. Altman may be, he is only doing a job; he did not engineer actions resulting in the suicide of a vulnerable young man. So his level of Bitchery cannot be held to the same evil standards as Ravi and Wei!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Altman's latest ruse is to insistently demand that M.B. the man allegedly with Clementi during said encounter, be identified to Ravi and the defense team. Why????? What bearing does this have on what happened??????? M.B. has quietly stated that while he feels for the Tyler Clemeti tragedy, he does not wish to be thrust into the media forefront. One can understand that. What one cannot understand is his over emphatic attempt to hide his own homosexuality from everyone.

I have to say this fascinates me. According to a friend who spoke to Clementi, MB was a young man in his 20's, who was uncomfortable with being gay. Not unusual, when one is young, and still living with one's family. But we do not know that. Nor do we know whether or not he was a member of the Rutgers community. But I can tell you this--even if he had been, he was safely divorced from things. He was not living amidst the community of Ravi and Wei; he was not living with Ravi, being judged by him, so he could simply walk away. In fact, until the tragedy unfolded, MB probably had no awareness that he had been filmed. Which accounts for why he is still alive and Tyler is not. Tyler had to live with this nightmare 24/7; MB could, at that time, walk away from it. But if he is revealed publicly, that will cease to be an option for him. Because ever
yone, from detractors, to Tyler supporters, are going to want a piece of him to further their own cause, from tearing Tyler down, to getting more insight into his psyche.

Is MB really needed, for either???? Not really!!!!! As for his not being comfortable with being gay, I wonder if he has more to hide; that is, is he one of those covert gays trying to live a straight life, either by playing the straight card, with action on the side, or, worse, being married and having children??? Well, Mr. MB, as a gay man, and one who has seen plenty, I can tell you this--sooner or later, (and sometimes later, rather than sooner) this deception explodes in the practitioner's face. And, IF this is what you are doing, it will inevitably explode for you, too, at some point!!!!!!!!!

All this, of course, is conjecture, till proven. But Altman, in wanting, almost forcing, MB to go out on a limb he does not want to, nor needs to, is perverting justice on a case he has no real chance of winning. Otherwise, he would not resort to these tactics. The capper, though, is wanting Judge Berman to step down from the case, because it has come to attention that he has a cousin who has some sort of reality show that deals with the cyberbullying topic. This is tantamount to saying "I want a judge from the Radical Right, so I can get preferential treatment for my client." Because Altman does not see Ravi as equal, but preferred. His existence, because he is straight, is preferable to Tyler Clementi's. His reputation, because it is straight, is preferable to MB's. What Altman is lobbying for is Male Heterosexual Entitlement, which has been at the base of what is wrong with this country for longer than can be said. Were a jury to accept such a defense, it could spell a return to that period in history, where gays were consigned to secret places, and could be arrested, or lose their jobs. The world of "The Children's Hour" or "Advise And Consent," which Stonewall fought to get rid of, would emerge as a dark reality. And Tyler Clementi would not get the justice he deserves; he would be impugned!!!!!!!!

I insist Altman is the one who should be impugned. I cannot think of a more potentially harmful or rotten choice right now as Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!! He is a black hole on the system of American justice!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, you see, darlings, a bitch can always be found!!!!!!!!!

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