Monday, October 17, 2011

Darlings, Ryan Should Absolutely NOT Have Worn Boxers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All I have kept hearing from people who have seen "The Ides Of March" since it opened, is Ryan Gosling in his boxers in the bedroom scene. Well, this past Saturday, after getting Monsieur examined, injected and prescribed, we took in an afternoon showing of this film, which is an actor's delight. This film is all about great acting, girls, because, let me tell you, as interesting as some of the issues it examines are, the script is weak and full of plot holes and contrivances. And while George Clooney may have been the driving force behind the film, and gets a fair amount of screen time, he is not the star. Ryan Gosling is.

Which brings us back to the bedroom scene. When people pay good money for a Ryan Gosling, film, darlings, they want both good acting and something to look at. You do get both in "The Ides Of March," but when Ryan steps out of that bed on his Morning After, we want to see him in tightey whities, not boxers!!!!!!!!!! Once again, Hollywood protects men; women can parade their whole whatever across the screen, but a man has to be protected!!!!!!!! What hypocrisy!!!!!!!! Because plenty of women--and gay men, too, you better believe it, honey!!!--want to look at Ryan, too!!!!!!!!! So, why should they be denied????????????

Now, does this hurt the film??? Not really!!! It is just one of the things that gets in the way of this being, as has been touted, the Movie Of The Year!!!!! From an acting standpoint, it is, because there is not a bad performance in the whole film. Even Evan Rachel Wood, in an underwritten role, is good. And in small, but showy parts, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Paul Giamati, and Marisa Tomei, walk off with the film whenever they are on camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If the only the script had filled in the plot holes, contrivances and inconsistencies, you might have a had a near perfect, Best Of Year film. Instead you get an Actors Smorgasbord. Not too bad, but could be better!!!!!!!!

But getting back to Ryan. His career is on a fast track trajectory now, and we want to see more of him. And that means we want to see more of HIM!!!!!!!!! I am sure Ryan is not a bit afraid; he has nothing to be afraid of, being so gorgeous!!!!!! I mean, if Philip Seymour Hoffman, can, and who the hell wants to look at him???????? Yuck!!!!!!!!!!

Like the song in "Funny Girl" says "If a girl isn't pretty, like a Miss Atlantic City, all she gets in life is pity and a pat!" So, if we are forced to look at Hoffman au naturel, why can't we have something pretty, like Ryan Gosling, once in a while???????????????????

Remember, girls, it may not be your birthday, but some birthday suits look better than others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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