Monday, October 17, 2011

Girls, What A Weekend I Had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, let me tell you, my weekend started this past Thursday, when I got home to find Monsieur a mess. It seems he was opening a can, the opener did not go all the way, so he used his hand, and sliced his palm bad. By Saturday, he was OK, but a tetanus shot was in order. Fortunately, with all the humanitarianism, lambs, of Sister Peg, I got David to Urgent Medical Care on West 69th and Amsterdam, where he got a tetanus shot, his flu shot, a professional bandaging, and maintenance instructions, which, he is going to follow, if I have to stand over him. Just like I marched into the office and demanded treatment!!!!! He was admitted instantly!!!! Do not mess with the Raving Queen, darlings!!!!!

Added to that, because of old age, tension, sleep, or whatever, my back was acting up. And, thanks to the weather, my sinuses too!!!!! By Sunday, I was so exhausted, I had to be put to bed!!!!!! And with A Florida trip Looming!!!!!!

By the way, three books--THREE BOOKS--are traveling with me!!!! And one of those just MIGHT be "Infinite Jest."

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