Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Girls, Who Would Have A Thought A Four-Year-Old Episode Of 'SVU' Could Be So Timely??????

Darlings, it is always exciting, when you discover an episode you have never seen before, and "Annihilated," from 2007 was just such a case. Featuring a bravura performance by Dylan Walsh, whose work I am not familiar with, playing one of the show's most despicable characters, this show could not have been more timely in the face of last week's family murder and suicide by Samuel Friedlander, and the recent extermination of relations by Susan Hendricks, who is looking REAL good right now, to be this week's Bitch Of The Week.

But, getting back to matters at hand. Things start when a career gal, Cynthia, is found raped and murdered. The way her neck was snapped suggests she was killed by someone skilled in military maneuvers. When Benson and Stabler question the girl's parents, they learn of the always talked about, but frequently seen, fiance, named Stephen. HE claims to work for the CIA, which is why he is so secretive. However, smart Mama popped a picture, while he was not looking, at Christmas time, so at least they can see whom they are dealing with.

They trace a cell phone call of his out to some store on Staten Island, that haven of the unsophisticated!!!!!! When they go to question Stephen's wife, she turns out to be married to Malcom Royce..but Malcom is the man in the photo!!!!!!!!!

Seems Malcom has been doing the old 'Captain's Paradise' routine; it looks like he and his wife have reached a marital standoff--her speech about hating to be a housewife had me, thinking, darlings, that she was the perp!!!!!! Which is exactly what the writers here wanted you to think. Because, later on, Lindsay (Mrs. Royce) and the children are found dead, apparently shot. Malcom has been shot too, and is barely alive. But he survives, and at first plays the role of the grief stricken widower, who was menaced by his wife!!!!!! But, I am telling you, honey, he looks too calculating to be believed. And this turns out to be true, because when the forensics team gets in there, they discover, with Lindsay holding the weapon in her hand the way she is, the particular angle at which the gunshot to Malcom hit the bed, and the fact that only Malcom's hands were really on the gun and the cabinet containing it, that things could not have gone down the way Malcom said. Lindsay did not murder the family and take her life; this scum did...only he made sure he survived.

Cute little B.D. Wong, as Dr. Huang, explains, when it comes to killers, Family Annihilators are among the most narcissistic. This guy's ego and sense of entitlement would out do BARBRA, darling!!!!! You had to love Elliot slamming and pummeling this guy, till he admits, "I had to do it!" Sure you did, you piece of filth, because in your own private world, you are its greatest star!!!!!!!!!!!

How fascinating, I thought, and how timely, in the face of Samuel Friedlander, who last week murdered his wife and kids in Westchester, then took his own life! All for selfish, egotistical reasons!!!!!! Which only proves not only that this show DOES get "ripped" from the headlines, but certain headlines get repeated time and again!!!!! Like Susan Hendricks, whom I will deal with another time!!!!!

You have to see this episode, girls, not only for its harrowing story, and Dylan Walsh's dead on performance as slime bucket Malcom!!!! But how the Family Annihilator is more a disturbing presence in our society than one might think!!!!!!!!

Where is Maria Von Trapp, when you need her, loves??????????????

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