Thursday, October 27, 2011

Darlings, Couldn't She At Least Have Been Glamorous, Like Barbara Stanwyck????????

My girls know movies, and so we just LOVE Barbara Stanwyck as Phyllis Dietrichson in "Double Indemnity." Cool and calculating, with that blonde wig, the most famous ankle bracelet in movie history, and a killer wardrobe to match her instincts, Phyllis was the Bitch Supreme of her day, unrivaled by anyone until, maybe, Glenn Close played Alex Forrest in "Fatal Attraction."

So, why couldn't this week's Bitch Of The Week winner, Susan Hendricks, at least comb her damn hair???????????

Susan, is of course, the woman from South Carolina (wasn't Susan Smith from there, too; what is it with that state????) who, on October 14, said her son, Matthew killed her husband, stepmother and other son, then took his life. It did not take long for cops to figure Susan's claims amounted to a hill of crap!!!!! Because it turned out SHE killed them all, for the insurance money!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, of course, some family, friends, and enlisted shrinks are claiming she was mentally ill, that she was bipolar. Well listen, lambs, I have known some bi polars in my day, and while they may not be the most tightly wrapped, none of them went out and killed anyone, let alone a mass family extermination.

To think this comes on the heels of Samuel Friedlander, just one week before. Sam blew his brains out; too bad Susan didn't. But look at that face, and hair!!!!!!
No make-up, no style, nothing!!!!!!!!!! There is no excuse for her deeds--both murder AND a bad appearance!!!!!!!!!!!! After all, as Sarah Paulson as our favorite sociopath, Ann Gillette, on 'SVU' proved, whether you are going to luncheon or committing murder, there is no excuse NOT to look your best!!!!!!!!!!

So, here is to Susan Hendricks, this week's Bitch Of The Week! Maybe some gal pals in the slammer can give her some fashion pointers!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pile out, you tramps!!!!!!!!!! It's the end of the line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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