Thursday, October 27, 2011

'SVU' Scores Another "A"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sweeties, how lucky can one get???? Two gems in one evening. No sooner was I done watching the unseen "Annihilated" episode, then on comes another unseen show, entitled "Anchor." It just kept getting better, I am telling you, especially with three standout performances for the price of one--John Laraquette as pseudo liberal lawyer Randall Carver, an attorney whose agenda no matter who is involved, is somehow always related to his own; kind of a White version of the Reverend Al Sharpton!!!! Then there is Thomas Saloski as Joseph Taggart, the racist you have to see to believe, and let me tell you there are plenty out there. My white trash uncle was a Joe Taggart; no two ways about it. And then there is Bruce McGill as sleazoid talk show host, Gordon Garrison, an amalgamation of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and that ilk.

This was also a showcase for Ice-T as Finn, as Olivia and Elliot are nowhere in sight. Translated, that works out to disgruntled actors trying to settle a contractual dispute!!!!!! Things start out grimly enough with a hooker and her pimp, arguing in an alley, whereupon they discover the body of a little girl, who, as Finn says, is "too young to be in the Life." Soon another little girl is killed, and then a little boy. There is some kind of serial child killer on the loose, who seems to be targeting only ethnic children.

When the boy's parents, who are Chinese, are spoken to, they refer to their child as an "anchor baby"--a child of illegal aliens. Visiting a center trying to help these youngsters, they discover there are plenty of folk out there with a "Born In The USA" mentality, who think these kids have no rights, and deserve to die!!!!!!!! And these flames are fanned by Randall Carver, whose so-called liberal causes fuel more fire from the conservative Right. When we first meet Joe Taggart (Thomas Saloski) he is busting a window in Carver's office, and ranting about how great America and Gordon Garrsion and what he stands for are!!!!!!!! Someone get me a barf bag, quick!!!!!!!!!

As a favor to Carver, Finn lets Taggart walk, which proves to be a mistake, when it is discovered that he is the one targeting these children, because of his racist beliefs!!!!!!! This Taggart is one honeychile', who should have been made to work down South in dem dere cotton fields!!!!!!!!!!!! Things get better, when Taggart is arrested, and Carver elects to defend him (!!!!), saying he was brainwashed by Garrison, and, hence, is a victim!!!!! Which is bull!!!!!!!!

The trial turns out to be a free for all, with polarizing groups fighting each other in court--these scenes were great!!!!--fueled by Gordon Garrison and his mania!!!!! Taggart is found "Not Guilty!" which enrages everyone, but then, before we leave, we see him whisper something to Carver that visibly shocks the attorney. Later that evening, Finn is summoned to Carver's office imploringly. When he gets there, Carver tells him that, before leaving Taggart whispered in his ear--"Now I can go kill the other kids." The camera cuts to Carver holding a gun, and giving it to Finn, and the camera moves to the floor, where we see the bloody body of Taggart. Carver has clearly shot him; and, honey, I say good for you, and Good Riddance!!!!!!!!

This show set one's teeth on edge because the three guest stars were so venal in their performances you hated them simultaneously. Especially Saloski as Taggart, whose performance was so good he runs the danger of being typecast as card carrying racists!!!!!!!!!

I LOVED that Carver shot him!!!!! What a finish!!!!!!!! Now, while this is a great way for television to deal with racism, it is not the way in REAL life!!!!!
Lock the racist in a room with those he most hates, and let things take care of themselves. Kind of like what Bruce Davison did with Ernest Borgnine in "Willard!"

Chomp! Chomp! Darlings! You gotta see this episode!!!!! You will LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!

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