Monday, October 3, 2011

Happy Feast Day, Everyone!!!!!!!!

Girls, if you were raised Catholic, like me, not only do you understand the importance of Jennifer Jones and "The Song Of Bernadette," you know, from childhood, that the Second of October is a very special day. It is the Feast Of The Guardian Angles!!!!

For those who don't know, according to Catholicism, every baby born on Earth is assigned an angel to watch over them. Except maybe Charles Manson or Charlie Sheen.
And the Angel stays with you, throughout one's Earthly life. Let me tell you, mine deserves extra special praise, because, honey, not only has He gotten me out of some rough patches, I am telling you what He has had to witness at times would make a sailor blush. You can bet it was the talk of the Guardian Angels Coffee Klatches!!!!

Even in Catholicism, once you move beyond childhood, this day gets short shrift!!! I say it is time to bring it back!!!! Instead of writing letters to Obama disavowing Gay marriage, the Archbishop should worry about what his Gauardian Angel has to wintess, and that he doesn't get a good, swift kick in the butt!!!!

But let's not get violent on a Feast Day!!!! Let us salute all our Guardian Angels, who, only the Lord knows, work overtime anyway!!!!!

And know, girls, that someone always has your back!!! Even when you make a bad fashion decision!!!!!!

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