Monday, October 3, 2011

Girls, Wasn't "Pan Am" Last Night Exciting???????

Darlings, after the excitement engendered last week, you know I was curled up in front of the TV last night to witness the second episode of "Pan Am!!!" Wasn't Colette In Paris enchanting, girls??? Just like an Audrey Hepburn we all want to be!!!!! And how about Christina Ricci, as Maggie???? She was SO cute, and didn't you just LOVE it when she stabbed that pig patron???? She should have GORED him!!!!!

And how about Kate and Laura???? Can you believe how that bitch mother favors Laura over Kate???? And having the NERVE to bring Greg over to Paris, thinking she would marry him, and fly home to Connecticut and forty years of...THAT???? Let me tell you, honeys, Greg was not much look at; his whole demeanor said Central Casting Boyfriend, so I think Laura is much better without him, anyway!!!!

Poor Kate!!!! Just as pretty as Laura, yet does not land on magazine covers!!!! But at least Kelli Garner gets featured billing every week!!!!! And praying in church with Brigid, to exchange government secrets??? These are NO Bernadettes!!!!

But the momentum was maintained, as it was so much fun to watch our girls in the air!!! With those blue uniforms, high heels, and white gloves!!! Now, darlings, make sure you do NOT leave for work this morning, without those!!!!! And don't forget the Return Of The Girdle!!!!!!!

My only caveat was it did not end with all the girls doing that famous Pan Am walk!!!!! All the episodes should end with that, in my opinion!!!! But this show is a Queen's delight, raving or otherwise!!!!! Blast off on Sundays, darlings, we haven't had this much fun in a long time!!!!!!

And let's all march into our offices this morning, doing the famous Pan Am walk!!!! Buckle up, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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