Thursday, November 24, 2011

Before The Parade Passes By, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, girls, it is Thanksgiving, so a happy one to all!!!! Honey, I am thankful for so many things, from just being able to get out of bed, to Monsieur!!!! How many of my girls out there can/are going to do "Turkey Lurkey Time," the Michael Bennett dance number from "Promises, Promises"????? You know I am set to do the Donna McKechnie part, and stop the show, so let's all get in formation, now!!!!!

Back when I was a child, Channel 11 would always kick off the Holiday Season on this day, by running "Miracle On 34th Street." The scene that most impressed me was little Natalie Wood, sitting in her apartment window, overlooking Fifth Avenue, and having a live, front row view of the MACY's Thanksgiving Day Parade!!!! I knew THAT is what I wanted, darlings, and why Natalie, as the story went, wanted to live in some tract house on Levittown, Long Island, I could not understand!!!! It made me puke!!!! Gag me with a spoon!!! I'd as soon have a colonoscopy!!!!!!!!

But these are my Thanksgiving associations, girls, and I know you all have yours!!! Now, I am going to tell you to go easy on the meal, but at least wash it down with a couple of Bellinis!!!!! And some Grand Marinier for desert!!!!! As essential to the day as turkey!!! Don't let anyone fool you; those Pilgrims knew how to make Bellinis!!!!! It is just the whitewashed American history books do not record it!!!!!!

So, whether you are dining in, or out (as I am, dolls, what with Monsieur, my farther, sister and.....Monsieur's Uncle Ernest!!!!, and what an account THAT will be), the Raving Queen wishes you all a joyous Thanksgiving!!!! We made it to another one, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gobble, gobble, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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