Thursday, November 24, 2011

Girls, For The First Time, We Have....A Communal Winner!!!!!!

Bitches come in pairs (the Papin Sisters, Ravi and Wei), so why not Ensembles????
As I was clearing my head, trying like anything to find a winner for THIS Thursday, especially it being Thanksgiving, it hit me that Groups could be eligible, too!!!!
I mean, look at Nazi Germany!!!!! Or Rwanda!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This week's winner may not be as lethal as the above, but when it comes to nastiness, they are hard to beat!!!! And perfectly appropriate for this Holiday!!!!!!

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is....Black Friday Shoppers!!!!!

These are the slugs who crawl out of their trailer park holes, or Goat Alley dwellings, with no sense for fashion or decorum, and venture out--in the middle of the NIGHT, darlings!!!--to the nearest Walgreen's or strip mall, hair still in curlers, dressed in declasse PJ's--so they can be the first when the doors open, upon which they literally flood the store, stomping anyone who gets in their way (remember several years back, when a retail worker on Long Island, got trampled to death, in this melee???), so they can feel they have beaten everyone else to Christmas shopping, and Christmas shopping bargains!!!!!! When it comes to white trash, I am telling you, they have Tonya Harding beat!!! And have you ever noticed how so many of them are overweight and obese???? These are the types who should be barred from such places on this day, but God forbid retailers don't make any money; they would rather have a person stomped to death, than show a non-profit!!!!!

The answer to these cretins is to lock them in a fenced pen, hold the most valued Christmas item this year, toss it into the air, and then let them tear themselves to death in a fight to the finish over it!!!!!

When Erich Von Stroheim made his epic film, "Greed," back in the 20's, he was barely tipping the iceberg!!!!! He could not conceive of such bitches!!!! Well, honey, I can, because each year it gets press coverage, and each year it only gets worse!!!!!!

You wouldn't catch me near a store tomorrow!!!!! And I don't want to catch any of MY girls there, either!!!! I don't want you to wind up dead!!!!!!!

So, hats off to the Communal Bitch Of The Week..the Black Friday shoppers!!!!!

I bet these folk are exactly what Shirley Jackson had in mind, while she was writing "The Lottery"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Shopping, Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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