Saturday, November 19, 2011

Darlings, It Was As Romantic As Always, But What Is Happening With The Help?????

Girls, the rest of my natal day went, as expected; a visit to Three Lives Bookstore, where I got two for the price of one--the last two literary events mentioned awhile back--"The Night Circus" by Erin Morganstern, and "The Grief Of Others," by Leah Hager Cohen. And I DID finish "Moby-Dick yesterday, which I will do a separate report on, for my darlings!!!!!!

But last night we dined at one of my favorite places, "One If By Land, Two If By Sea." It is still a romantic spot, the best restaurant in the Village, and the cuisine was superb, but something seemed very off kilter. I don't know if new management has taken over, or what, but something was just a tad amiss.

Now, let me first say, Monsieur and I had, as usual, a superb meal there!!!!
But the menu seemed, now, somehow more Pan Asian, rather than strictly American, from when I was there last!!!! And there seemed more an emphasis with fish on the menu than I had been accustomed to on previous visits.

Nevertheless, we plunged right in. Monsieur had the beef tartar, which looked delicious, and came with the most adorable little brioche!!!! I had the Maine Black Bass, in a glazed sauce, with fruit and vegetables. Not something I would go out of my way for, but it was flavorful!!!!! For the second course (we both had the Prix Fixe Menu, which is four courses!!!!) we switched--Monsieur had a fish dish--Maine scallops in a cauliflower puree, and I the meat--Duck Confit Cannelloni mixed with assorted fruits and veggies in a savory brown sauce. But this was nothing, compared to the Main Course. I had a Braised Short Rib, with sticky rice, in a Korean glaze, with local radishes!!!! Girls, I am telling you, the Korean glaze was SO unexpectedly spicy, my eyes popped on the first taste. My taste buds very soon adjusted themselves, and the meal was delicious, the meat fork tender!!!! Monsieur went a more traditional route, having the Grass Fed Lamb sample, with crispy Brussels sprouts, an argo Dulce, and a vanilla bourbon salsify!!! It looked luscious, which he said it was!!!!

This was capped off by desert. Being my birthday, I opted for a 'Smores Souffle, in creamy chocolate marshmallow sauce, which took 15 minutes to prepare, but was heavenly. And it was served with a candle, the Happy Birthday song, (how lovely!!!) a lit candle, and the words "Happy Birthday," written in chocolate on my plate!!!!! Monsieur opted for more traditional fare, a three flavored plate of ice cream--vanilla, caramel, and the unusual sassafras. He seemed pleased.

Lastly, I had coffee, and we were served some light, luscious petit fores!!!!! Maybe because of all the chocolate in the souffle, I found the lemon meringue one the best!!!!!

It was a perfectly romantic, birthday evening!!!!! And yet... I couldn't help feeling that something was amiss at this favored spot.

The atmosphere is still indisputably Romantic!!!! I was SO surprised, as we went in, to see a "Grade Pending" note on the window!!!! Darlings, this has always been a high end, A-list place, which made the notice even more troublesome!!!!

Next, we discovered the Reservation Desk, which had always been towards the back, by the bar, near the stairs, had been moved right up front. In this time of year, and with what is ahead, those workers are going to be pretty cold!!!! Next, the service seemed off; our waiter, Daniel, was cute as a button, but a bit flustered. Maybe he knew he was serving the Raving Queen, so he was a bit intimidated. Nevertheless, both he and our Entree server, reversed our selections when serving, and, after the Second Course, Daniel comes at us with the Desert Menu, thinking we had finished, already!!!!! Were we being given the bum's rush, darlings???? Guess Daniel was hired for reasons other than waiter skills; I fully understand, darlings, but at a venue like this, you expect impeccable service.

And something else. The place was dimly lit, candles aglow, but the downstairs windows were minus curtains of any kind. It didn't hurt the atmosphere, but it did make it less warm and enclosing. I seem to remember red curtains on them, unless they take them off for the winter months.

Is One If By Land, Two If By Sea under New Management???? Also, the pleasant older woman who always greeted is is gone; hope she is OK, and wasn't booted out of there. The changes were just noticeable enough to say I honestly did not like them--I want tradition and continuity!!!--but not enough to ruin the evening!!!! But if more things continue to be implemented, this nearly 40 year old romantic spot might cease to be no more, and that would be sad, indeed!!!!

So, One If...this is the Raving Queen SAYING--get rid of these frou frou Pan Asian cuisine changes; go back to traditional American!!!! Let us see some curtains on the windows!!!!! And move the Reservation workers back to their original spot, so they do not freeze!!!!

Because, if you don't darlings....well, just ask the staff and management of the NOW former Paris Commune!!!!!!!!

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