Friday, November 18, 2011

Girls, What Have They Gone And Done To "Godspell"??????

Darlings, I am telling you, when I first heard they were reviving "Godspell" this season on Broadway, I was psyched for a nostalgic trip down Memory Lane!!! Back in the 1970s, when it was new, it seemed like every theater group out there--high school, college, and community--was doing this show. My college, Seton Hall, did a production of it, back in the Summer of 1976, which I still recall fondly, and can still summon up memories of that cast. A fellow named Chris Parker (who really wasn't big in theater there) doing a perfect Jesus, Superman T-shirt and all; Bill Yates (of the Jersey theatrical family) and his booming voice, which stood out in any ensemble number; Letty Fores (Seton Hall's answer to Alexis Smith) blowing me away with her rendition of "Bless The Lord;" and our school's designated Musical Theater Star, Audrey Witko (a nursing student, but with talent beyond the ER!!!!) who movingly rendered the beautiful and haunting "By My Side!" It is like that production is videotaped inside my head!!!!!

There was a revival, either in the late 70s, or early 80s, on Broadway, at the Broadhurst. I saw it, and while it sounded wonderful, it was limited by the strictly proscenium staging. But the big treat was seeing and hearing Robin Lamont, one of the Original Cast Performers, render what is still the show's most recognizable song,"Day By Day." When it came to score, "Godspell" had "Jesus Christ Superstar" beat by miles; the latter really only has "I Don't Know How To Love Him," whereas this is an evergreen assortment. Not surprising, since the composer was a then young Stephen Schwartz; and look what he has gone on to do!!!!!

So, honey, I was primed for this "Godpell," which was put in the perfect venue, Circle In The Square, with arena staging that allows the actors to run through the theater and the audience. This is as perfect a venue for "Godspell" as it is NOT perfect for "The Miracle Worker," which was staged there, about two years ago!!!!!

But, then, the HORROR of that New York Magazine review, which, basically said this production has been revamped and reconstituted towards the "Glee" and "Spring Awakening" crowd. "Glee" I can handle, but spare me "Spring Awakening", please!!!!!

According to the above, some numbers have been reworked. "Save The People," one of my favorites, (and a song I would occasionally use at auditions) has been given a reggae beat!!!!!! Say what?????????????? Add to that, the big Gospel type number "We Beseech Thee!" is reimagined as a country and Western number (maybe they should have brought back Mary Kay Place, as Loretta Haggers!!!!)--and it--get this--is
performed on trampoline!!!!!

The review also states that "Bless The Lord" (ALWAYS a guaranteed show stopper!!!) is the first number to bring down the house!!!! What about "Day By Day"??? It is still the show's most recognizable tune!!!!

To paraphrase Edward G. Robinson, "Mother of Mercy; is this the end of 'Godspell'"???? And you know who made these changes???? Stephen Schwartz, himself!!!! Hey, Steve, isn't "Wicked" and your Disney work bringing in enough bucks????? Why do you have to sell out your genuinely artistic achievement?????

I wonder, even with all this, if the "Spring Awakening" crowed will come to "Godspell"? A musical about Jesus????? If the actors onstage don't Tweet or Twitter, I don't know how this demographic will handle it. Which tells me, and is my way of saying, "Godspell" should have been kept the way it was, for those of us who remember it in its purest form!!!! We were the ones who made it a hit, and we are the ones who would want to see it. But not when it has been monkeyed around with!!!

The answer is simple. Inspired by Margaret Hamilton in "The Wizard Of Oz," I am going to "send a little insect on ahead, to take the fight out of them!" Maybe then, the actors will go back to performing it the way it SHOULD be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, Bless The Lord, my soul, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

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