Sunday, November 6, 2011

Girls, Can You Believe It Is November?????????

We have come to the eleventh month, darlings, which is so hard to believe; I mean, where has the year gone???? And, after a certain date, which I will mention somewhere on here, the year goes even faster, suddenly speeding up, like a silent movie, playing at the wrong speed!!!!!!!!!

Already we have had All Saints Day, my lawyer friend, John's, birthday, and that of Tom, my cherub. Yesterday happened to be the 58th birthday of my one-time literary nemesis (but no more!) Joyce Maynard, this coming Tuesday is Election Day, and then Friday is Veteran's Day!!!!! And that is just the beginning!!!!!!!

Because, starting the 13th, we have what I call Musical Theater Week, which marks the natal anniversaries of such luminaries as Sammy Williams (the original Paul in "A Chorus Line; 63 on the 13th; Martha Plimpton (star of "Raising Hope," a musical theater talent in her own right, not only for her show stopping performance a few seasons back in the Roundabout revival of "Pal Joey", but the daughter of Shelley Plimpton, the original Crissy in "HAIR", both off and on Broadway during the Sixties, and the first one to immortalize its immortal love ballad, "Frank Mills"), who, if you can believe it, will turn 41 (but still looking like an ingenue) on the 16th; AND, on that same day, Donna McKechnie, not only the greatest Broadway dancer of her generation, but the Greatest Show Stopper In Broadway History, which she became by originating the role of Cassie in the aforementioned "A Chorus Line" (a show she herself helped to define), owning, as no one after her has, the show's solo spot, "The Music And The Mirror"!!!!! According to most sources, Donna will hit the big 70 on that day, and, honey, I am telling you, she could go out there and dance Cassie tonight!!!!!

But, wait, there is more!!!! November 17th happens to be the 59th birthday of Neva Small, a child actress of the Broadway stage since the Sixties, who became a Legend Of The Musical Stage, back in 1967, when, in "Henry, Sweet Henry," she delivered the song, "I Wonder How It Is" with such plaintive yearning, it left confirmed Theater Queens gasping!!! Which they still do, to this day, thanks to the CD!!!!! Neva also happens to be the goddaughter of the late, great, Leonard Bernstein, and she continues to perform in and about the city. Not to mention she is primarily known for a role she performed at the age of 19--that of Chava, in the film version of "Fiddler On The Roof," back in 1971. Then, as we ALL must, darlings, on the 18th, yours truly, The Raving Queen and another Musical Theater talent of note, gets older, reaching the age of 57, while still retaining that established professional age of 24!!!!! It is all done with moisturizer and astringent, I can assure you!!!!

Now, let me let you girls in on a secret. I am going to initiate a contest!!!!!
It is called "The What Should The Raving Queen Ask His Sister For For His Birthday? Contest"!!!!! The winner gets dinner for two--the winner and moi--at One If By Land, Two If by Sea!!!! Do I have any gift candidates??? I do, and here they are!!!!!

1. A Flat Screened TV
2. A Gym Membership
3. A Lap Top
4. Tickets To A Broadway Show
5. An Orange Cashmere Sweater

May the best gift win, darlings!!!!!!!!!

What else????? Did you know my parents got married in November??? That is right, during Thanksgiving Week, back on November 26, 1947!!!! And speaking of Thanksgiving, this year it is on the 24th, exactly one month before Christmas Eve, where Monsieur and I are going to be joined at the aforementioned One my father and sister, and Monsieur's Uncle Ernest!!!!! Darlings, you have GOT to see his fake $1million dollar bills, with HIS picture on them!!!! Is he nuts???? Monsieur says yes!!!!!!!!

This is a whirlwind month, loves, because thanks to birthdays and holidays, I don't work a full week the entire month!!!!!! And then, before you know it, it will be December, which is time for, among so many other things, "The Nutcracker," with Mother Ginger And Her Ponshinelles!!!! Things REALLY speed up after my natal day, girls!!!!

That Ginger is SOME Mother--let me tell you!!!! So, see, loves!!!! The Raving Queen is back, in fine form, and everything!!!!!!!

Happy November!!!!!!!

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