Sunday, November 6, 2011

Apologies To My Girls!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am so SO sorry!!!!! Amidst the frantic rush that was last week, while in Florida, dealing with all sorts of familial matters that left me EMOTIONALLY exhausted, Thursday came and went. All of a sudden, it was Friday, and while dining luncheon at poolside, I suddenly realized that, for the first time since I initiated the column, I had forgotten to post Bitch Of The Week!!!!!

I am not going to post one now, because, not being Thursday, it just would not be de rigeur, darlings!!!!! I simply cannot apologize enough, BUT I promise you that this coming Thursday, I will deliver one hell of a bitch!!!! Which I discovered, or heard about while on my Florida excursion!!!!!!

I cannot reveal any more, except to say that she is SOME piece of work!!!! As the great Joan Rivers might say, "What a tramp!" And you know I have discussed quite a few tramps on here!!!! And no, darlings, that does NOT include my life while single!!!! That was more like the convent, girls!!!!!!!!!

So, please accept my regrets, and just wait till Thursday, which is going to expose SOME bitch, let me tell you!!!!!!!

Wishing you a bitchfest till then, loves!!!!!!!!

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