Sunday, November 6, 2011

Girls, We're Back In New York!!!!!!

Darlings, I wish I could say we sailed in on a beam of moonlight, and a dry martini, but it was more like Delta at La Guardia!!!! That being the case, we headed for our weekend pensione, which is MY place, and, I am telling you, it was SO comfortable in my Princess Bed, even if you could hear the squawk of babies and discontented neighbors. This is Queens, after all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, after hopping out of bed, getting that crucial morning coffee--how civilized, lambs, to be able to make my OWN coffee!!!--and breakfasting, we tended to domestic chores, like designer laundry, phone calls, paper work, reading, and the like.

It is SO good to be home!!!! Not that Florida, as recounted here, was so bad, and that not that NYC is the Emerald City, though, when you are young, one tends to think that!!!! But it was nice to be back in a civilized jungle, where, even though you may share a subway platform with a rat or two, the trains take you where you want to go, and when you get off, you know where everything is!!!! Contrast that with Florida, where you have to get in the car, just to get a quart of milk, and pray you can find a grocery store!!!!! And, if you get on one of those darkened back roads at night, not only do you have to fear ending up as a featured guest on "COPS," you have to wonder if you are going to be attacked by the mentally handicapped homosexuals from "Deliverance," who were so dumb they chose Ned Beatty over Burt Reynolds and Jon Voight at their hottest!!!!! Which calls their credibility as gays into question!!!!! Fortunately, we were not attacked, so, darlings, I guess we were too gorgeous for them!!!!!!

Things could not have gone more smoothly in Florida!!!!! The flights to and from were like clockwork, the accommodations were, once again, fabulous, and, most important, my father got through his transition form Vero Beach to Downingtown, PA!!!!! Thursday eve, at the local club house, they even had a nice party for him, complete with music, supplied by not only a talented musician, and my equally talented cousin, Mike, but yours truly!!!!! But no major show tunes or Streisand standards; the rep did not extend that far!!!!!!

Right now, my father is staying, till he is ensconced at Villa St. Martha, (which I will give a full account of, loves, once that takes place!!!) at my sister's residence in Audubon, where I just know they are going to have a wild old time, eating roasted veggies, hanging out for drinks at Bud's Bar or whatever local watering hole down there is still in operation, and walking the scenic route of the King Of Prussia Shopping Mall, which should be a visual delight, with the Holidays rapidly approaching!!!!!! It just warms the cockles of my heart!!!!!!!

But back here in Manhattan, we are happy and content, having heard from that scurrilous Frantique Fromage, and having a nice, light, Sunday brunch at Malaparte, just down the street from Monsieur!!!! It used to be Baby Buddha, darlings, but that baby has upped and gone away!!!!!!!

Most of all, I have to let all my girls know that we are back, and ready for Holiday action. Get ready to stuff that turkey, darlings, lest you get stuffed!!!!!

Salutations and Holiday greetings to all!!!!!!!!!!

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