Girls, can you believe, we are now into the double digits of November, with more events coming up from now till year's end than can shake a stick at!!!!! Today happens to be Veterans Day, which is ironic, coming from me, a baby boomer, who protested the Viet Nam war, and who freaked my father out, when he took me--more like got me into--"Woodstock" at the RKO International 70, back in 1970, back in New Brunswick, New Jersey, when I was all of 15, but could have passed for 10!!!! When Country Joe And The Fish started to do the "Fish Cheer" ("Gimme an F....") and then launched into "One, two, three/What are we fighting for?/Don't ask me, I don't give a damn./Next stop is Viet Nam!", my father sank into his seat in abject humiliation, while I raised my fist, crying "Right On!"
Nevertheless, he and my uncles were in WWII, so they ARE veterans, and for them I honor and acknowledge this day. But it is also 11/11/11, loves, and while I don't think that will produce a Damien--besides, I am here already!!!--on the last go round of this, 100 years ago today, my paternal grandparents were married in New York!!!!
And here I am now, hons, carrying on their tradition!!!!! Well, maybe not quite, but I AM in New York!!!!!
And just one week from today, I mark another year, which I am looking forward to ("Presents!"), even though the actuality of things is I will simply require a stronger facial foundation!!!!!
Sunday marks the start of Musical Theater Week, which I have mentioned; so look for a different luminary to be announced on the respective day!!!! Before you know it, there is going to be Thanksgiving, and, before you know it, Advent, when we will be off and running to those stores!!!! And maybe the Rockettes!!!!!!
And, girls, how much longer are we going to have to wait for "Carnage?" The suspense is killing me, because you know, I view this film as a metaphor for why it is a good thing I never had children--as I would have been my kids' authority figures' worst nightmare, being in their face EVERY minute, promoting the brilliance of MY darling, just the way my parents SHOULD have promoted MY brilliance with the likes of the Dykemans, Widmans, Spitzes, Zamosts, and their despicable daughters; not to mention Mr. Barber for not giving me Algebra, and Mrs. Santamarina for excluding me discriminated from the National Honor Society, back in Highland Park, New Jersey!!!!
Let me tell you about that little snip, Ellen Zamost, who has the audacity to post her ugly face on Facebook!!!!! She thought she was SO great, because hers was the wealthiest family on Harrison Avenue!!!! Her brother Barry, a physician, got the brains, while she got nothing but Miss Average, forced to rely on her trusts to get anything she got!!!! And you should see her picture NOW!!! The hair color is not even natural; you can sure tell THAT, she is standing behind a wine rack, which points to her being an alcoholic, as well as her too tight skin and scrawny chicken neck. This one drinks, all right--drinks away her sorrow over a decline as Princess Of Harrison Avenue to Nowhere Pennington, South Jersey Hah!!!!!
My parents should have told off all these people, the way Kate Winslett and Christopher Waltz tell off Jodie Foster and John C. Reilly in the movie!!!!! Yes, they should have, but, honey, I am sure as hell doing it for them now!!!!!!
Take THAT, everyone in the paragraph before the last! And I wipe MY ass, with YOUR human rights!!!!!!!!
This feels SO good, darlings!!!!!!
Oh, tomorrow marks my 41st anniversary of being sexually abused; not to dwell on it, but the reason I talk of it so little, especially THEN, was that I knew if it got out, all those mentioned here, would have blamed ME!!!!!!!
Talk about Veterans' Day!!!!! You would have thought by all this, not to mention all the running to the doctor this morning and shopping Monsieur and I had to do on our day off that I would be a VFW by now!!!!!!!!
And this Sunday we are going to a literary and baby event!!!!!! It just does not let up, girls!!!! Especially when one is the Raving Queen!!!!!!
So, a Happy Veterans day to all my loves, with hope you win whatever combat you are or are about to face!!!!!!
KA-BOOM, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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