Friday, November 11, 2011

Just A Quick Birthday Wish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today happens to be the birthday of a truly fine actor. No, girls, I am NOT talking about Leonardo DiCrappio, though it is his as well. All he was good for, years back, was providing filler for the gossip mills, while he was club hopping here in town with Giselle!!!!! Who cares???? Though he WAS good in "The Departed."

No, I am talking about a lovely actor and man--Mr. Stanley Tucci!!!!!

Stanley has worked with MERYL--twice!!!! That tells you something right there. Like her, he can play almost anything--straight, gay, or serial killer. He walked off singlehandedly with "The Lovely Bones!"

And, at 51, HIS bones are still pretty lovely, too. Anyone seeing "Big Night" knows he is a wiz in the kitchen. I would LOVE to have Stanley come over and cook me one of his special meals--in his underwear!!!!!!!!

So, Happy Birthday, Mr. Stanley Tucci!!!! We love you, and cannot wait for your next endeavor!!!!!!

And, darling, I would LOVE to work with YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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