Sunday, December 11, 2011

Darlings, "Be A Santa Claus!"

Girls, while Monsieur and I observed our Holiday traditions, another, which we knew nothing about, was taking place around us.

After we left Christie's, we stopped to see the Rockefeller Center tree. And after that, we dashed over to St. Patrick's Cathedral, nicely decorated, but crowded to the gills, to see their Nativity, which, true to Tradition, does not put its Baby Jesus in the manger till after midnight on Christmas Eve!!!!!!

Then, it was uptown to the Metropolitan Museum Of Art, to see MY favorite tree, the Victorian Creche, with the beautiful sculpted angels, simulated candle lights, and the Nativity in full display around the perimeter of the tree. I left a pic on here, earlier this month, but up close the details are extraordinary. A very spiritual experience for me, darlings, and one of MY benchmarks in heralding the passing of another year!!!! For which I am grateful!!!!! And this tree's baby Jesus is there full time!!!!! It has to be, for dramatic presentation!!!!!!

It was, as always moving, and I hope I am here next year to report on another sighting. Then we took a bus downtown to the Village, and the further down we went, the more we saw these people--youth, basically--dressed as Santas, of all shapes and sizes!!!! Even blue suited Santas, and black ones!!!! The best was a guy dressed as a Jewish dreidel!!!!!

At first, I thought it was some choral group in for some special performance somewhere. And then, when I saw the classic image (which I wish I could have brought to you, girls!!!!) of the hundreds of Santas on the steps of the 42nd Street branch of the New York Public Library, some of whom were sitting atop the Lions, and many appeared to be singing, I thought a movie or ad was being shot. But I saw no cameras!!!!!!!

It wasn't till we got to the Village that this nice cop near Christopher Street explained what was going on. This was SantaCon Day, the second annual one, I believe--how did we miss this, last year???--where these Santas teem into the city, give food to the homeless, and then do a bar-by- bar pub crawl, till they are, well.............wasted!!!! You should have heard the noise in the Village last night!!!!

To think we have to look forward to this now, every year!!!!! A sort of mini Yule Tide Mardi Gras. Probably cooked up by some "Social Network"-type frat boys!!!!! And don't think New York was alone in this--it was done in San Francisco, London, and Glasgow!!!!!!! I am telling you, what will be thought of, next?????
But you should have seen it, darlings!!!!!! And I would love to have seen all those Santas THIS morning. Bet a lot miss work tomorrow!!!!!!

I bet the Jewish dreidel guy was gay. And I bet his first crush was Comet, the Reindeer, coaching the Reindeer Games, in the 'Rudolph' Christmas special!!!!!!!

Up on the Housetop, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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