Sunday, December 11, 2011

"Oh, Mother, You Don't Understand; I'm The Biggest Slut Of All Time!!!!!"

No, girls, I am NOT talking about myself during my 20's and 30's. I am not even talking about the REAL Girls of Goat Alley!!!!!!

This is one of Elizabeth Taylor's most famous movie lines, coming from the movie she was Oscared for, but loathed--"Butterfield 8." Couldn't you just see me, in the remake, loves????

Which is simply my way of saying that, yesterday, on a beautiful, crisp December Saturday, Monsieur and I made our way to Christie's, to gaze upon "The Elizabeth Taylor Collection." The firs thing I have to say was it was FABULOUS!!!!! The second is, I am disappointed more queens did not turn up, because, honey, Liz came to bat for us at the height of the AIDS epidemic!!!!! She was a class act in more ways than one. I think it is there till Monday, which does not leave MUCH time, but enough for more of you to turn out and honor Our Liz!!!! So do it!!!!!

There was this red director's chair, which Monsieur and I just HAD to have. And I got a kick out of her Oscars, and two film scripts--"National Velvet" and "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof"--bound in the violet color of those eyes!!!!! There was this orange caftan, which I thought would look fabulous on me, the red gown she wore on Broadway as Regina in "The Little Foxes," and, oh, yes, we saw The Diamond!!!!! You know the one I mean, darlings!!!!!! The one that Lucille Ball tried on on her show, and could not get off her finger!!!!!! Though I saw a garnet necklace that would have looked great on me!!!!!

I adored the photo of her in the iconic white bathing suit from "Suddenly, Last Summer," but how I wish the actual suit had been on display!!!!! And that I could look as good as she did in it!!!! Everywhere you looked, there was so much to take in; it boiled down to a case of sensory overload!!!!!!!

MY collection should look this good, when it goes to Christie's!!!!!! But, lambs, I am telling you, the Taylor stash was something to behold!!!!! I never knew she went in for such flamboyant, feathery, wear!!!! No wonder she was a Gay Icon!!!!

It was truly moving and inspiring. Because now I have to start organizing MY collection, so it can eventually be properly shown at Christie's!!!! Not Sotheby's, darlings--Christie's!!!!!!

Remember when Liz opened with "What a dump?" in 'Virginia Woolf'? Honey, ALL dumps should look THIS good!!!!!

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