Thursday, December 22, 2011

Darlings, This Is The Shortest Day Of The Year!!!!!

As if, girls, the days leading up to Christmas are not short enough, they really are short, as we have reached the point we have been building towards, since Summer. The good news, dolls, is that, from here on, the days start getting longer. Which means the end of Days Of darkness At 4:30 are in sight!

Something I have always been confused about--if this is the Shortest Day, then when is the Longest Night???? Was it last night? Or tonight? It is things like this, that can drive one batty.

Meanwhile, on this, the Shortest Day, I have so many errands--out to the nabe bakery for loaves of Irish Soda Bread, packing for my Holiday trip (and making sure I have enough books, darlings!!!), dinner with some friends before leaving town for a few days, and then off to the wilds of PA tomorrow!!!!

So especially make the most of this day, because it REALLY does go fast!!!!!

Remember MacDonald Carey's opener at the start of "Days Of Our Lives?" On this day, honey, the sand does not sift through the hourglass, it POURS!!!!!!

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