Thursday, December 22, 2011

Like I Said, Girls, A Bitch Fest For The Holidays!!!!

Darlings, not since Ann Bancroft and Shirley Maclaine went at each other on the roof in "The Turning Point" (1977) has there been such a joyous bitch fest as "Carnage".The difference is the earlier film was High Camp, and remains iconic ally so,whereas this is an incisive, humorous, yet unerringly accurate portrayal of a group of people, who just may be you and I. And don't try to deny it, darlings!!!!!

This film is also a good example of why it is a good thing I never had children!!!
At one point, Michael, played wonderfully by John C. Reilly, in a role that finally allows this fine actor to show his genuine acting skills, says, "I am a short-tempered son-of-a-bitch!" Lambs, with me, all you would have to do is change "short-tempered" to "confrontational," because, as you can imagine from this blog, when I feel threatened or attacked, I tackle matters head-on!!! As a parent, I would have been every neighbor's or teacher's worst nightmare!!!!!

Which is one thing you don't have to worry about. But it explains why I felt more sympathetic towards Nancy and Allan (played wonderfully by Kate Winslet and Christoph Waltz), even if his cell phone antics got on my nerves, too. But, then, have you ever tried walking down a street with someone coming at you, talking on a cell phone??? Even if they see you first, do you think they move???? Of course not; because they expect YOU to!!! Which is one of many reasons why this film presses so many of my buttons.

Jodie Foster, as Penelope, has the best role here she has had in years!!!!
Onstage, she was played by Marcia Gay Harden (we LOVE Marcia!!!!), and my response was different in relation to the actress. With Marcia, I admired her release of suppressed rage; it was a relief, after her cool self-containment. Jodie has no self-containment whatsoever; her anger and self-righteousness is all on the surface, like a pot just getting ready to bubble over, so that, when she does, it is not a surprise, and she (the character) is so annoying, you want to her slap her silly!!!! When Kate Winslet delivered the now classic line that ends with "...and I wipe my ass, with your Human Rights!", I was not the only one in the house who applauded!!!! I have gotten into arguments with these Penelope types in stores, and let me tell you, they had best be put out of their misery before inflicting any more!!!!
And Jodie Foster nails this persona PERFECTLY!!!!!

Good as the film is, and it is good--the camera work, lighting, positioning of the actors, is typical Roman Polanski, meaning you can see traces of earlier work ("Repulsion," "Rosemary's Baby,"), so that, by the time the film ends, you cannot imagine anyone but Polanski having made it--I think in some ways it works better onstage, only because it is such a visceral piece, you need to have the actors right in front of you, you need to have the distance of the screen removed to give it full dimension. I have no doubt this cast could play it just as well onstage as they do here, and it would be something to see that!!!!!

Girls, I just LOVED "Carnage." If you have had a bad day at work, if you need something to constructively release your Inner Bitch, without doing yourself, your property or anyone else, harm, especially if you cannot get an appointment with your therapist, THIS is the release for you. And I know, dolls, that once this is out on DVD, EVERY Queen will have it in their collection!!!!! You know THIS one will, darlings!!!!!

But try and see "Carnage" on the big screen!!!! It is a Bitch Fest, and an Actor Delight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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