Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, this is the blog I normally would have done on the 25th, but, being that I will be away, and the computer there does not perform as well as others I am on (I cannot post pics!!!!) I decided to do my Christmas blog now!

So, here is to finding you gathered underneath the tree with loved ones, gifts, and bon bons aplenty, having gotten through successfully the year that was 2,011. Whether you think of Christmas as Victoriana, "Meet Me In St. Louis," or a tacky white tinsel tree with blue balls (the ornamental, not medical, kind!!!), the Raving Queen hopes your Christmas is Merry!!!!!!

And some special wishes out there for--

Margaret and Mary Ann--a Sister Act still on the Top Charts!
Brian and Dolores--troupers navigating some rough turf, which I hope is done
Judy--a former colleague, one of my faves, a source of cheer, who needs
some cheering herself!!!!!!

Merry Christmas, to one and all, from the Raving Queen!!! See you when I get back!!!!!

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