Monday, December 26, 2011

Girls, For Some Of Us, Christmas Is A Time Of Remembering!!!!!

First of all, gang, the Raving Queen is back!!!! Let the festivities begin!!!!

And a joyous Christmas it was! Monsieur and I, albeit at different times, arrived in scenic , downtown Norristown!!!! My sister drove us to her spacious suburban manse, which was a Currier and Ives fantasia of decorative splendor. Shortly after settling in, we drove to Villa St. Martha, near Downingtown where my father now resides, and can have (and should!!) on weekly afternoons--tea with Sister Bernice!!!! I am ready right now, let me tell you.

Christmas Eve Day found us at the movies, finally viewing "The Muppets," with Kermit, Miss Piggy and the gang, and the fabulous Amy Adams, who, yes, shows off her song and dance skills here!!!! Some interesting choreography, a whimsical plot...just the thing for a pre-Holiday afternoon!!!! We had a festive evening meal of roast and veggies, then off to St. Teresa's for the Christmas Eve Mass. Honey, I am telling you, it was the fastest on record,; so much so, I had to phone my sister ahead to come get us, as she had not planned leaving till fifteen minutes later!!!!
Then the traditional Christmas Eve repast of coffee and home made cookies, then to bed, while Santa chartered his route over PA!!!!

"When I awake at seven....
I'll see you at the Angels' Gate...."

We bounced out of bed, down the stairs, for the annual fruit salad, soda bread, and oh, my God--coffee!!!!! Then--presents!!!! Such things--a scarf, gift certificates, money, the annual "Wizard Of Oz" calendar--everything to make the Christmas complete.

Afternoon greeted the arrival of my nephew, Jonathan, Mandy, his wife, and their adorable children, Fiona and Alexander. What a young lady Miss Fiona is getting to be, and Alexander is quite the charmer cutie!!!! Just like I was, darlings!!!!!!

But, girls, I am telling you, as the pic suggests, though I am not THAT old yet, for some of us, Christmas is a time of remembering. Remembering the happy and crazy times that your memories have stored up, but which start popping out of your heads, around the time you reach 40!!!! Even while other memories are still being formed!!!!

So we remembered--the Christmas When Everyone Got Sick, the Christmas When The Tree Fell Over, Or The Needles Came Off, So We had To Get A New Tree Just Two Days Before!!!!!! And we reminisced over the Popeye Lights, which used to adorn our tree, for which we were famous, darlings!!!!! Cherish those memories, darlings, because soon they are what the Holidays become!!!!!!

A good time was had by all, including yours truly and Monsieur!!!! Now we are back in town for more to report on this week! Stay tuned!!!! You don't want to miss a second!!!!

And let me tell you, dolls,--these memories go a bit beyond Barbra's in "The Way We Were!"

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