Monday, December 26, 2011

Darlings, You Know I Take My Dickens Seriously!!!!!

You are just not going to believe this, girls!!!!

While channel surfing at my sister's, I came across some BBC talk show, on which was appeared actress Gillian Anderson, whom no one has seen since "The X Files", and whom I still recall as an unforgettable Lily Bart. Well, this time, in promoting her latest project, Gillian left me stunned.

She is appearing in yet another dramatization of the Charles Dickens masterwork, "Great Expectations." And she will be playing the role of....Miss Havisham!!!!!!!

My first thought was , "You have got to be kidding!" This is the role of a lifetime for an actress who can act; someone like Meryl Streep, who is exactly whom should be playing the role. Gillian is not nearly at this level, and look at her pic!!! She looks like some fashion model from space, or some bad Lady Gaga wannabe at a party!!!! That is NOT what Miss Havisham is!!!!! Take a look at the other picture, and you will see.

Miss Havisham was the daughter of a wealthy English brewer. Her mother died in childbirth, and the father raised his only daughter, spoiling her in the process.
While still a young girl, she was smitten with a man named Compeyson, who pledged love, but was really only out for her fortune. Her cousin, Matthew Pocket tried to warn her, but she would not listen, causing an estrangement between she and the Pockets for years. On the morning of her wedding day, at exactly eight forty (twenty minutes to nine), dressed entirely in her gown, save the left shoe, Miss Havisham received a note from Compeyson, informing her he was jilting her on the altar. She instantly transformed from young ingenue to embittered spinster, shutting all curtains and windows, stopping the clocks at the precise time mentioned, and living out the rest of her days at that exact moment, and not a second beyond. The cake and gown crumbled, she became a recluse--a Victorian Grey Gardens--until the arrival of her ward, Estella, whom she raised to "break the hearts of the male sex!" Like how I always wanted to have Jake Gyllenhaal as my ward, and do the same thing!!!!!

Miss Anderson is getting a bit beyond herself, methinks. None but the great Martita Hunt in David Lean's 1947 film has definitively portrayed Miss Havisham!!!! Who does Anderson think she is???? Only Meryl is worthy to fill Martitia's shoes, and I am sure she is wise enough not to. Meryl is NO fool!!!!!

Why even bother???? You have the Lean film and Martita!!! You have the novel, which is a thrilling reading experience!!!!! Leave well enough alone!!!!

But I just had to tell you, girls, as soon as I found out!!!! Again, look at the ugly, incorrect pic of Gillian!!!! Only the lowest expectations, here, loves!!!!!!!!

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