Monday, December 26, 2011

Girls, Talk About Taking You Back!!!!!

Darlings, the Holiday had us exhausted by evening's end. Sprawled in front of the TV, I was desperate for anything--"Law And Order," "Snapped," even some serial killers!!!! Not a one to be found. We actually contemplated watching "Godzilla vs. Mothra," but somehow the mood didn't strike. Even "The Song Of Bernadette" was an option. Now, lambs, you know how much I LOVE that, but I was just not up to it, emotionally, and, besides, Easter is coming!!!! Eventually!!!!!

But, lo and behold, what did we find, but the 1978 made-for-TV classic "The Initiation Of Sarah," which I do not think I have seen since 1978!!!!!

What a cast of Where-Are-They-Nows? Kay Lenz, Tony Bill (remember him on 'Class of '65," darlings?????), Robert Hays, Tisa Farrow (yes, Mia's sister, who, I believe is now a nurse in some New England hospital!!!! What would Maureen O'Sullivan say????), Morgan Brittany (who started out as one of the children in "The Birds"), Kathryn Crosby (is she STILL alive?), Shelley Winters (who is NOT!!!) and the still working Morgan Fairchild, in one of her signature Bitch roles!!!!!!

Morgan Brittany is just so butter-wouldn't-melt-in-you-mouth as Patty Goodwin that you just want to vomit. No wonder Kay Lenz looks all spooky and telekinetic around her!!!! Then there is poor Tisa Farrow, playing a suicidal violinist called "Mouse" (real name--Alberta--jeez, she can't get a break!!!!) who has good reason to be such, being stuck in the loser fraternity, run by demented, and overweight, House Mother, Shelley Winters!!!!! After seeing Shelley in her witch's garb, you are going to wish for her back in that rabbit suit, like on the cast album back cover of "Minnie's Boys"!!!!!!

Morgan Fairchild makes this movie so much fun!!! As bitch-with-ax-to-grind Jennifer Lawrence, she is every school nemesis you have ever dealt with!!!! It is so much fun seeing her get her comeuppance; the interesting thing is she KEEPS getting it throughout!!!! First, her wardrobe, hair and make-up are ruined, by falling into a pond, which Sarah telekinetically hurls her into!!!! This would be enough to make me a bitch, I can tell you!!!! Next, in the classic shower sequence, she and Patty get trapped, and are almost scalded to death!!!! BUT, best of all, in the climactic fire and wind sequence, Jennifer is burnt to a crisp before our very eyes, like a witch on a stake!!! Fry this nasty thing good, darlings!!!! You have got to see the film for this alone, which is why I supplied a picture!!! For which I hunted long and hard, for all my girls!!!!!

Even though I had a bit of lingering guilt for not watching 'Bernadette,' this film took me back to those carefree days of 1978, when fashion was at its worst, Morgan Fairchild was a bitch (and didn't we all just want to be her, darlings???) and Kay Lenz and Tisa Farrow still had potential careers in front of them!!!! Back when summer evenings were spent on the porch in Highland Park, New Jersey, plowing through the latest best-selling tome!!!!!

Ah, those carefree days!!! Have a drink, sit back, and go on a wild nostalgia trip with this one, dolls, capped by Morgan Fairchild's being burnt to a crisp!!!!!

Don't you get burned in the process, darlings!!!!!!

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