Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Here We Are, Darlings, Coming Down The Home Stretch To The End Of The Year!!!!!

Going, going, and almost gone....honestly, girls, where has 2011 gone?????? Not only is there just four days left of this year till it becomes History, but I have so much to do in these four days--films to see, books to read to finalize my list, errands, shopping...what is a girl to do????

In the coming days, I will have to report on books read, movies seen, PLUS recap some of the Best and Worst--according to the Raving Queen, darlings!!!!--of 2011!!!!
And don't forget things like the Most Shocking Event Of The Year, and, of course, Bitch Of The Year!!!

So, there is a lot to get done this week. But before we do, I want to call your attention to the Man In Red. As some of MY girls know, that is none other than Eric Evans, a movie star of note, and star of such classics as "At Your Service", (and wouldn't we love to have Eric at our service, darlings???) and the gym/exercise classic, "Pumped Up," which also features the stunning Shane Cole, he with the Celtic cross on one of his mammoth shoulders. Who he is/was, and what ever happened to him, is one of the great mysteries, because, I am telling you, loves, Shane could have been as big (in ALL ways) a star as Eric. But the film has superb color photography, colorful lighting and costumes (when there are any), and will inspire you to exercise all those underused reflexes!!!!! Better than Impact Aerobics, darlings!!!!!

Today happens to be Eric's birthday, and he turns 45!!! Girls, let me tell you, neither I nor anyone I know looked this good when reaching that age!!!! And doesn't Eric look adorable in his tasteful red suit???? Very apropos for a post-Christmas baby!!!!! I know many of you would wish to find Eric in their Christmas stocking!!!!! Well, where are you gonna find one that big????? Dream on, darlings!!!!!!

So Happy Birthday to Eric Evans!!!! A beacon of inspiration for those approaching Middle Age. What a nice way to greet this Last Week of 2011, and all it entails!!!!! Not to worry, girls; you will get a full report!!!!!!

And if I run into Eric, girls, I will be sure to say "Hi!", and get his phone number and autograph for you!!!!!!!

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