Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Girls, How Can We Wait Till Next Summer?????

We wuz robbed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I don't know what it is with today's TV distributors. On November 28, "Rizzoli and Isles," after an absence extending back to last September, resumed its season, and we settled in. Now, barely 30 days later, they are saying that last night's episode was the Season Finale, and the Girls will not return till Summer. How can we stand it???? I know they are telling the truth, darlings, because the episode DID end on a cliff hanging note!!!!!

It also featured Erica Gimple (remember her as Coco, the Irene Cara role, on the TV series "Fame?" Hey, what ever happened to Irene????) in a bit role as a hospital physician, tending to Maura's adoptive Mom, Constance (wonderfully played by Jacqueline Bisset, who looks fabulous, girls!!!), after a car tried to run down Maura, and Constance pushed her out of the way, saving her daughter's life. Who should turn up but Paddy Doyle, Maura's biological father, who wants to tell the truth about her REAL mother (for those of you who have read the Tess Gerritsen books, you know!!!!), but won't yet say a thing, and neither will I. Poor Jane; the climactic scene in the Jeans factory shows them at their most glam among the gritty, but, in shooting the perp, Kevin Flynn, Paddy Doyle also gets shot, which infuriates Maura enough it looks like their friendship is on hold!!!! Will it be recovered????
Will Paddy live to tell Maura the truth????? Will Constance live, to be more of a mother to Maura???? Will Jane find romantic happiness (though, come on, loves, when you look like Angie Harmon, especially with that hair, how can you not????)???????
And, most of all, what will Angela/Lorraine brew up in that coffee shop, next????

We have to wait till Summer for all THIS???? How dare these moguls jerk us around???? I don't know what to tell you, loves, except to say, if you have not yet, in the interim,, start reading the Tess Gerritsen books, because they are wonderful!!!!! They are well written, quick reads, and they will make the waiting time pass, and make you feel you have Jane and Maura with you a little longer!!!!!

One thing about this show--when it is a Finale, they sure know how to stage a cliff hanger!!!!! Even more suspenseful than MY life!!!! Which is probably a good thing for me!!!! Meantime, I have tons of reading to wade through, and plenty to cover before 2011 winds up or down...depending on how you look at it!!!!!!

And no, darlings, I am NOT going to be the New Year's Baby!!!! At least, not THIS year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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