Monday, December 5, 2011

Darlings, A Tribute To A True Trailblazer!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, when I first got the news that comedian Alan Sues had died, this past December 1, I felt truly saddened. Not just because I remembered him hilariously on the groundbreaking comedy show, "Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In," on which played sportscaster "Big AL," and a soused kiddy show host; and even moreso, for his brilliantly funny Peter Pan Peanut Butter commercials, in which his entrances, both in and out of the kitchen window, would have given even Mary Martin pause.

Sues' height of fame came during the late Sixties, early Seventies, a time difficult for many of us, but let me tell you, especially so for yours truly. School was a nightmare, where I felt hated by my classmates, and ignored, or, more to the point, not paid the attention I felt I warranted by the teachers, and I was inwardly struggling with ideas and feelings that, for reasons, I could not as yet understand, made me able to relate to Alan Sues. Many likened him to Paul Lynde, but there was something about Lynde that kept one at a distance, though I loved his acerbic delivery, and his appearances as "Uncle Arthur" on "Bewitched." But Alan Sues, especially in his quirky--honey, flamboyant!--turn as Peter Pan in those ads, seemed to indirectly say to moi, and others who needed to hear it, that it was OK to be as outre as you wanted!!!!! I mean, it netted him this commercial gig, which I am sure supported him for quite a while!!!!!!!!

And I can hear the petulant Gay Activists sticking out their indignant lips in indignation over this, maintaining that Sues merely pandered to gay stereotypes. Just like what the Blacks in the 30's said about their actors who appeared in "Gone With The Wind," and, honey, it is still going on, as witness the furor over last year's "The Help!"

I cannot speak for the Black Community. But, as a member of the Gay Community, let me say it was refreshing to see Sues unleashed without any pretense or repression whatsoever!!!!!!!! He was out there, girls, and he was damn proud of it!!!!!!!! I came to look forward to those commercials; I would stop everything and watch, though I did not at the time know why. Now that I do, I can fully appreciate what Alan Sues was doing for all us darlings, even if he did not realize it himself. Today, you can see these commercials on YouTube, and you realize not only the creativity behind them, but how role defining they truly were to some of burgeoning gays!!!!!!!!!!

So, sweeties, a fond farewell and tribute to Alan Sues. In his own unique way he blazed a path for so many of us that we remember, and that should be remembered by everyone, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

Featurette, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree with you more! He was a true trailblazer that unabashedly played himself and have this boy of the 1970's a positve role model. I never met him but I loved everything about him. I loved his sense of humor, his comedic timing and delivery, his campiness, and most of all, his unappologetic way of just being himself! I would stop in amazement and watch Alan anytime he was on tv and something inside me just identified with him and I didn't know why. He was a very positive, loving and funny role model and the world has lost a truly fabulous comedic talent!
