Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Girls, Remember When We Wanted To Be Betty And Veroinca?????

Darlings, let me tell you, I could not make up my mind just who I wanted to be. I loved the Archie comics, and I loved Betty and Veronica. During the middle part of my childhood, I would cut out pin-up pages from whatever "Betty And Veronica Spectacular" I owned, and taped them to the side wall, left of my bed. I can still see that wall clearly. After all, with all my life stages, that bedroom went through several phases.

Trying to decide whom to be was tough. Betty was blonde and pretty, but, darlings, Veronica, with her "Daddiekins!!!!" was the Rich One. It was a toss up; I think there were weeks I wanted to be Betty, and others Veronica.

What on earth is prompting all this???? Each Archie comic put out a series of giant sized comics, which, back when I was a young thing, sold for a mere 25 cents. As opposed to the regular comics, which sold for twelve.

This now being the Holiday season reminded me that my favorite of the Archie Giants was something called "Archie's Christmas Stocking"!!!!!!!!! It was filled with Archie adventures all related to Christmas, and I looked forward to it every year. Now that comics have become what the French call de trop, there no longer is this gem to look forward to. So, I posted a picture of one I DID own, to share with all my girls!!!!

One of them--maybe this one--had a story, where Archie was hiding what he purchased for his parents from them so well his father thought they were being ignored. Misunderstanding, he heard Archie mention a $100 gold bracelet that was purchased for Veronica. Which of course turned out to be her father's gift. But his father was pissed Archie was not (so he thought) giving anything to his mother. It turns out that Archie had stashed away all his summer work money to get his folks a Holiday vacation trip to High Top Mountain Lodge, complete with a big New Year's Eve celebration. It was a charming story.

In this same issue, or maybe another, there was a story about the gang--Archie, Betty, Veronica, Reggie and Jughead--going on a sleigh ride, and the mishaps that ensued.

Bring back the charming days of "Archie's Christmas Stocking!" Just what we all need right now for some extra Holiday cheer!!!!!!!!

And, girls, make sure your own Christmas stockings are ironed by Christmas Eve, when you hang yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the chimney, with care, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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