Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"You Vowed Your Love....From Here To Eternity!!!!!!!!"

Darlings, I have to say, is anyone teaching History these days??? Today, as most of MY girls know, happens to be the 70th Anniversary (the big 70!!!!!) of Pearl Harbor. Yet it barely got a mention, anywhere.

Well, I am about to rectify that. But, being the Raving Queen, I will do so in my own, inimitable way, which does not include shots of planes bombing ships!!!! After all, "Tora! Tora! Tora!" (1970) was one of the most boring movies ever made, and was another nail in the coffin of Twentieth Century-Fox, after it had been living high off the hog and making these clunkers, on the basis of the astronomical success, just five years before, of "The Sound Of Music." And they were not to have another astronomical success until 1977, when a little thing called "Star Wars" came along.

Girls, when I think of Pearl Harbor, I think of the beach scene in "From Here To Eternity"!!!!!!!! What an iconic screen moment!!!!! Deborah Kerr shedding her ladylike image--and so convincingly, darlings!!!!--in one of the most controversial scenes of the day yet filmed. Burt Lancaster proving what a hottie he could be shirtless and in his swim trunks; I bet gay men in their eighties and nineties still drool over the thought of this. Even I do, darlings!!!!!!!!!! To see them clutching at each other flat out on the beach, as the waves cascaded over them, signifying....well we know what was going on, don't we, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This film came out in 1953. At the time my sister was just 13. And I remember her saying that our mother forbade her to go and see "From Here To Eternity," because it was just too risque at the time. History repeated itself, fourteen years later, back in 1967, when my mother forbade ME to go and see "Bonnie and Clyde." Maybe she was afraid I would turn into a gangster!!!!!!!!

I did not see "From Here To Eternity" until my freshman year of high school, when I was fifteen years old. It packed a wallop; and darlings, we LOVED the beach scene. Though I think I wanted to be Donna Reed as Lorene. She had a more glamorous wardrobe, loves!!!!!!!!! About five years ago, I saw the film again at the Film Forum, and it held up beautifully, both as romanticism and as an an evocation of the times surrounding Pearl Harbor.

So, this film and image is how I choose to remember this day. And if some right winger out there does not like it, then I will make sure he listens repeatedly to the "I Feel Like I'm Fixin' To Die Rag" by Country Joe And The Fish!!!!!!!!!

Right On! darlings!!!!!!!!!!! And Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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