Thursday, December 1, 2011

Deep In December, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Deep in December, it's nice to remember
The fire of September that made us mellow."
--"The Fantasticks", Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt

Happy December, darlings!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe we have made it to this point already???? A month from today, and 2011 becomes History!!!!!!!!!!!!

The quote above is not the only reference to the twelfth month. Don't forget
"Camelot," where Arthur muses, "Each evening, from December to December,
Before you fall asleep upon your cot,
Don't let it be forgot,
That once there was a spot,
For one brief, shining moment, that was known as...

So, this month has all kinds of associations, girls, not to mention trees, creches, baked cookies, presents, and with all the running around done in the name of
the aforementioned, this month speeds by like no other. And then we end with New Years Eve, which can be a nightmare in itself, but has a personal importance for me, as the next day, January 1, is Monsieur's birthday!!!!! Which means he gets to be the New Year Baby!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are my wishes for a safe, happy and healthful December!
Haul Out The Holly, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

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